Published April 15, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The increase of status of Russian pensioners by attracting them to a qualified, publically important work


In Russia, in the case of solving a number of organizational issues, increasing the age of a person’s retirement is advisable from the point of view of the country's economy and gives a number of advantages to the employee. Employees of the employment service portal “Job”. Collected information on the number of entrepreneurs willing to provide jobs to people over 50 years old, in 9 cities in our country and in the Krasnodar Territory (as of November 9, 2016). The authors of the article carried out a statistical analysis of this information laid out in the public domain on the Internet. It turned out that in the range from 59% to 67% of entrepreneurs do not see the possibility of such employment. The average value for the sample was 35.9%; The median is 35%. There is every reason to believe that the percentage of entrepreneurs willing to hire men over 60 and women over 55 (the age of retirement) will be significantly less than these figures. The received estimations can be considered, as the proof of the objective character of difficulties with which there are pensioners wishing to continue labour activity.  Due to their social status, they will receive a small salary even if they are employed. Daily travel of workers from their place of residence to the territory of availability of work in the existing conditions of Russia is unlikely, even from an economic point of view. In order to avoid the possible growth of social tension, the authors of the article propose to decide whether it is expedient to increase the age at which Russians leave for retirement differentially for different territories of the country, taking into account not only existing legally established restrictions but also the possibility of providing an elderly person in the place of residence with work with the necessary minimum wage.


Раменский С. Е., Раменская Г. П., Раменская В. С. .pdf

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