Published December 31, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Ackbaria vermiformis Campodonico & Zahniser & Usda-Aphis-Ppq-Php 2017, sp. nov.

  • 1. ) &) J. M. Perceval 10259, Vitacura, Santiago, Chile; e-mail: juan. campodonico @ ug. uchile. cl
  • 2. ) &) USDA-APHIS-PPQ-PHP, National Identification Services, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, P. O. Box 37012, MRC- 168, Washington, DC 20013 - 7012 USA; e-mail: james. n. zahniser @ aphis. usda. gov


Ackbaria vermiformis sp. nov.

(Figs 1–33)

Type locality. Chile, Araucanía Region, Malleco Province, Nahuelbuta Mountains,Vegas Blancas, Los Corrales, 37°48′S, 72°56′W, 950 m a.s.l.

Type material. HOLOTYPE: J, “ Chile, [Araucanía reg.] Malleco prov., / Nahuelbuta, Vegas Blancas, / Los Corrales, 37°48’S. 72° / 56’W., 950 m., 25-26.I.2017, / J.F. Campodonico leg., / sweep netting” (MNNC, dry-mounted). PARATYPES: CHILE: 14 JJ 4 ♀♀, same data as holotype (MNNC: 2 JJ 2 ♀♀; MEUC: 2 JJ; MLPA: 2 JJ; USNM: 2 JJ; INHS: 2 JJ 1 ♀; NMPC: 2 JJ; JCSC: 2 JJ 1 ♀); 2 JJ, “ Chile, [Araucanía reg.] Malleco prov., / Nahuelbuta, ~ 8 km W Angol, / 37°49’S. 72°48’W., 850 m., / 26.I.2017, / J.F. Campodonico leg., / sweep netting” (JFSC); 1 ♀, “ Chile, [Bío Bío reg.] Arauco prov., / Nahuelbuta, Caramavida, / 37°48’S. 73°05’W., 1000 m., / 8-9.X.2016, / J.F. Campodonico leg., / sweep netting” (JCSC). ARGENTINA: 13 JJ 10 ♀♀, “ ARGENTINA: La Pampa / P.N. Lihuel Calel, 5.ii.2014 / S 38.00251° W 65.59337° / AR14-2 J.N.Zahniser, vacuum” (USNM, MLPA); 5 JJ 3 ♀♀, 2 nymphs, “ ARGENTINA: Entre Rios / P.N. El Palmar, ca. entrance / 15.ii. 2014, 30 m. / S 31.85316º W 58.31636º / AR14-25 J.N. Zahniser ” (USNM, MLPA); 1 J 1 ♀, “ ARGENTINA: Entre Rios / P.N. El Palmar, jct. Pref. Naval / 14.ii. 2014, 33 m. / S 31.87321º W 58.21846º / AR14-22 J.N. Zahniser ” (USNM).

Description. Measurements. Total length: male, 4.28–4.70 (N=4); female, 4.93–5.06 (N=3). Width: male, 0.95–1.00 (N=4); female, 1.00–1.07 (N=3).

Coloration (Figs 1–4). Males (Fig. 2) yellow. Females (Figs 1, 3) pale yellow. Lateral black or brown band running on both ventrolateral sides of abdomen, thorax and head joining at anterior side of frontoclypeus (Fig. 4) where band is broadened and transversely striped with yellow. Narrow black transverse stripe running at anterior margin of crown (Figs 1–3). Abdominal tergites (Figs 1–3) laterally with small black spot; anteromedially with or without distinct or indistinct narrow markings, and sometimes indistinct narrow markings between last tergites and lateral spots resembling dissipated stripes. Tergite VIII and pygofer (Figs 1–3) mostly blackened, more completely pigmented in males. Sternites anteromedially with distinct, indistinct or absent irregular black markings.

Head (Figs 1–4, 26–29, 33). Crown (Figs 1–2) with length subequal to width between posterior angles; disc slightly convex until apex which is slightly curved dorsad at margins. Eyes from lateral view (Fig. 3) elliptical; height about 4/7 of length. Frontoclypeus (Figs 4, 26) with length about 1.25 times maximum width; lateral margins (laterofrontal suture) nearly straight; posterior margin (suture between frontoclypeus and anteclypeus) about 2/5 of maximum width. Anteclypeus (Figs 4, 26) about 1.5 times longer than anterior width, slightly wider at posterior margin. Labrum (Fig. 26) narrow.

Thorax (Figs 1–3). Pronotum (Figs 1–2) with median length about 2/5 of maximum width. Mesonotum (Figs 1–2) with median length from posterior margin of pronotum to apex of about 3/5 of basal width.

Male abdomen (Figs 5–12, 20–22, 30–32). Tergite VIII (Fig. 2) and occasionally other tergites bearing several macrosetae distally and/or laterally. Apodemes of abdominal sternite I (Figs 20–21) basally wider than long; inner margins slightly separated between each other, broadly rounded; outer margins first straightly narrowed, then concave; apex truncate. Apodemes of sternite II (Fig. 22) distinctly separated between each other, wide and obtuse. Pygofer side (Figs 6–7, 30, 32) bearing ~12–15 long macrosetae on dorsoapical 1/4; slightly wider than long (dorsal view, Fig. 11); height about 2/3 of length (lateral view; Figs 6–7); dorsal concavity about 2/5 of length (dorsal view, Fig. 11); ventral margins and dorsal surface subparallel (lateral view; Figs 6–7); caudal margins rounded, rough, with irregular teeth (Figs 30, 32); ventroapical margin squared in lateral view and with short tooth. Valve (Fig. 12) wider at level of posterior angles; apex obtusely angled; basal width about twice of length. Subgenital plates (Figs 12, 31) longer than wide, narrow at apex; outer margin sinuate (concave at apical 2/3); with median row of 5–7 macrosetae and with or without few extra scattered macrosetae. Connective (Fig. 5) abruptly widened at apex of stem; arms subapically widened onto rounded lobes, then abruptly and distinctly narrowed at apex. Style (Fig. 5) with apophysis curved at base, then nearly straight with subapical obtuse and inconspicuous tooth; outer angle slightly acute, not produced. Aedeagus (Figs 8–10) symmetrical, socle broad, shaft narrower; from lateral view (Figs 8–10) broadened subbasally, shaft curved dorsad ending in flat and basally slightly widened lobe over gonopore; gonopore opened caudally; from caudal view (Fig. 10) with socle slightly narrowed near middle.

Female abdomen (Figs 13–19, 23). Abdominal tergites VII and VIII (Figs 1, 3) bearing 6–10 and 8–16 distinct macrosetae, respectively, distally and/or laterally. Sternite VII (Fig. 19) slightly narrower at level of posterior angles; median length about 2/3 of basal width; posterior margin trilobulated, median lobe short and rounded. Pygofer (Fig. 13) subconical, bearing numerous long macrosetae ventrally and apically. First valvulae (Figs 14–16) with shaft slightly widened distad on basal 2/5, then narrowed to apex; dorsal sculptured area occupying near 2/3 of length of shaft, more than twice length of ventral sculptured area; ventral sculptured area narrow; ventral portion indistinctly transversely striated until sculptured area. Second valvulae (Figs 17–18) with irregular ducts; dorsally separated from each other on apical 3/5; shaft slightly widened distad on basal 3/4, then narrowed to apex; ducts first transversely elongate on dorsal portion of shaft, then smaller. Gonoplacs (Fig. 23) suboval; more than 4 times longer than wide; dorsal margin about distal half of length; with ~12–14 macrosetae ventroapically.

Etymology. The specific name is an adjective made by the combination of the Latin noun vermis (= worm) and the suffix - formis (= having the form of). This is in reference to the narrow body of this species.

Host plant. Unidentified grasses (Poaceae). Specimens from the Lihuel Calel National Park, Argentina were consistently collected on bunch grasses. Other material was collected on herbaceous stratum on open spaces dominated by tufted grasses.

Distribution. Argentina (Entre Ríos and La Pampa Provinces) and Chile (Bío Bío Region: Arauco Province; Araucanía Region: Malleco Province).


Published as part of Campodonico, Juan F., Zahniser, James N. & Usda-Aphis-Ppq-Php, 2017, A new genus and species of grass specialist short-winged leafhopper from Chile and Argentina (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae: Faltalini), pp. 381-390 in Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) 57 (2) on pages 386-389, DOI: 10.1515/aemnp-2017-0082,


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