Published June 30, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Latidrymus puskasi Kondorosy 2017, sp. nov.


Latidrymus puskasi sp. nov.

(Figs 1, 2, 6, 8–10)

Type locality. India, Meghalaya, 3 km E Tura, 25°30′N 90°14′E, 1150 m a.s.l.

Type material. HOLOTYPE: J, ‘NE INDIA; Meghalaya; 1999 / 3 km E Tura; 1150m; / 25°30’ N 90°14’ E; 18.IV. / Dembický & Pacholátko leg.’ (NHMW). PARATYPES: INDIA: MEGHALAYA: 1 J, ‘NE INDIA: Meghalaya State / W Garo Hills, Tura / 5–7. V. 1996, 600- 800 m / GPS N 25°30.7’ E 90°13.9’ (WGSB4) / leg. E. Jendek & O. Sausa’ (NHMW); 2 JJ 1 ♀, ‘NE INDIA: Meghalaya State / W Garo Hills, Nokrek NP / 9–17. V. 1996, 950- 1250 m / GPS N 25°29.6’ E 90°19.5’ (WGSB4) / leg. E. Jendek & O. Sausa’ (NHMW); 7 JJ 2 ♀♀, ‘NE INDIA; Meghalaya; 1999 / 3 km E Tura; 1150m; / 25°30’ N 90°14’ E; 18.IV. / Dembický & Pacholátko leg.’ (NHMW); 1 ♀, ‘NE INDIA; Meghalaya; 1999 / 3 km E Tura; 1150m; / 25°30’ N 90°14’ E; 4.V. / Dembický & Pacholátko leg.’ (NHMW); 1 J, ʻNE INDIA; Meghalaya; 1999 / 9 km NW of Jowai; 1400m; / 25°30’ N 92°10’ E; 12.IV. / Dembický & Pacholátko leg. (NHMW)’. TAMIL NADU: 1 ♀, ‘S INDIA; Tamil Nadu, Nilgiris / 15 km SE of Kotagiri; 900m / Kunchappanai, 11°22’ N 76°56’ E; 7-22.V.2000 / Pacholátko leg.’ (MMBC). WEST BENGAL: 1 J 1 ♀, ‘INDIA, W. Bengal, / Darjeeling, below / North Point, 1000 m / leg. Gy. Topál // No. 335 / beaten material / 17. IV. 1967 (HNHM) ’. LAOS: 1 ♀, ‘LAOS-NE, Houa Phan prov. / 20°12-13.5’ N, 103°59.5- 104°01’ E, / Ban Saluei → Phou Pane Mt., / 1340-1870 m, 22.iv.–15.v.2008,/ Vít.Kubáň & Lao coll.leg.// Primary mountain forest,/ individual collecting./ Laos 2008 Expedition / National Museum Prague, / Czech Republic’ (NMPC); 1 ♀, ‘LAOS, Champassak Prov. / Dong Hua Xao NBCA, / 2 km S of Ban Nong Luang, / bank of Touay-Guai stream, / 15°4’ N, 106°13’ E, / 800 m, swept, No. 23. / 1–5. IV. 1998 / leg. O. Merkl & G. Csorba’ (HNHM). THAILAND: 1 ♀, ‘NW THAILAND, Chieng Dao / Ban San Pakia, 5.–10. V. / 2004, 1200m, Sv. Bílý leg. // d 13/04 // COLLECTIO / NATIONAL MUSEUM / Praha, Czech Republic’ (NMPC).

Description. Colour. Head fuscous, anteclypeus and antenna brown, distiflagellum (and sometimes basiflagellum) fuscous; pronotum brown, posterior lobe and margin more or less paler; scutellum brown, posterior half paler; clavus except a small obscure spot, anterior half of corium, several spots on apical half of corium stramineous, rest of corium brown; membrane pale, with few dark streaks on veins, without dark margin; thoracic sternum fuscous, hind lobe of metasternum paler; legs stramineous, with subapical brown ring on femora and whitish femuro-tibial articulation; abdomen brown (basally darker), posterior 1/4 of connexival segments dorsally and ventrally stramineous, anterior part brown.

Structure. Body short, densely punctate except margins of pronotum and corium, midline of scutellum, endocorium laterad of both rows of punctures, and connexivum (Figs 1, 2). Body dull, abdomen slightly shiny, membrane shiny, with very minute, inconspicuous setae, pilosity of abdomen slightly longer, scutellum and hemelytra glabrous.

Antenna short, reaching only about middle of pronotum, scape extending beyond apex of head by one third of its length. Apex of labium not reaching mesocoxae, apex of segment I not reaching base of head.

Pronotum without elevations anteriad of transversal impression (Fig. 6), explanate lateral margin wider than diameter of scape; anterior lobe slightly broader at middle than at transversal furrow; posterior lobe unevenly punctate, punctures anteriad of scutellum partly adjacent or confluent.

Elevation of scutellum Y-shaped, well-developed (transverse part fully punctate), longitudinal ridge on anterior part elevated. Mesosternum transversely wrinkled at middle. Metacoxae almost touching each other, erected much closer than mesocoxae.

Abdomen almost dull, with very dense fine pubescence. Male genitalia: phallus as in Figs 8–9, paramere as in Fig. 10. Phallus is different from any type known so far in Drymini. The endophallic reservoir is most similar to Drymus species (PÉRICART 1999) but among others the penisfilum is very different. Paramere is rather short and wide, with nearly sickle-shaped sensory arm and apophysis.

Measurements (in mm). Holotype (paratypes, n = 7), length of labium only of holotype. Body length 3.52 (3.17–3.78); head: length 0.52 (0.48–0.56), width 0.75 (0.72–0.83), interocular width 0.46 (0.42–0.49); pronotum: length 0.98 (0.89–1.05), width at base 1.5 (1.40–1.62); scutellum: length 0.72 (0.67–0.79), width 0.75 (0.68–0.84); claval commissure length 0.28 (0.23–0.32); length of antennal segments: scape 0.25 (0.22–0.28), pedicel 0.42 (0.41–0.49), basiflagellum 0.41 (0.39–0.43), distiflagellum 0.52 (0.48–0.53); length of labial segments: I 0.38, II 0.40, III 0.25, IV 0.20.

Differential diagnosis. Latidrymus puskasi sp. nov. is apparently the most generalized species in the genus. It lacks the elevations on the anterior lobe of the pronotum (Fig. 6) (contrasting with L. elevatus sp. nov. having a conspicuous and L. zetteli sp. nov. having minute elevations), lacks the pale midline on scutellum (which is present in the other aforementioned species), the median carina on pronotum (can be found in L. elevatus) also absent in L. puskasi sp. nov. Latidrymus flavus sp. nov. has impunctate areas on the posterior pronotal lobe and nearly unicolorous hemelytra (contrasting to L. puskasi sp. nov.).

Etymology. The new species is named after Attila Puskás, a Hungarian entomologist living in Sepsiszentgyörgy (= Sf. Gheorghe) in Transylvania, Romania, who inspired the author to study entomology, honouring his long and excellent work in popularizing entomology, on the occasion of his 85 th birthday.

Collection circumstances. At Dong Hua Xao (Laos) it was collected in a limestone broadleaved forest with clearings and stream banks (O. Merkl, pers. comm.; Fig. 15). The locality at Ban San Pakia (Thailand) is a low mountain ridge with a village at the top with remnants of primary forest (Castanopsis, Pinus) brightened by grazing and felling (two years later all trees were cut) (S. Bílý, pers. comm.). At Phou Pane Mt. (Laos) the insects were collected mostly by light or intercept traps at margins or inside humid primary forest (V. Kubáň, pers. comm.).

Distribution. India (Meghalaya, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal), Thailand, Laos (Fig. 16).


Published as part of Kondorosy, Előd, 2017, Latidrymus, a new genus of Drymini from the Oriental Region (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae), pp. 47-59 in Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 57 (1) on pages 51-52, DOI: 10.1515/aemnp-2017-0057,


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Additional details


Collection code
Event date
1967-04-17 , 1996-05-05 , 1996-05-09 , 1998-04-01 , 2000-05-07 , 2008-04-22
Scientific name authorship
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
1967-04-17 , 1996-05-05/07 , 1996-05-09/17 , 1998-04-01/05 , 2000-05-07/22 , 2008-04-22/05-15
Taxonomic concept label
Latidrymus puskasi Kondorosy, 2017


  • PERICART J. 1999: Hemipteres Lygaeidae Euro-Mediterraneens. Faune de France. Vol. 84 B. Federation Francaise des Societes de Sciences Naturelles, Paris, 453 pp.