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Published December 31, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Aglaophamus Kinberg, 1866 (sensu Hartman 1950


Aglaophamus Kinberg, 1866 (sensu Hartman, 1950)

Aglaophamus.— Fauchald, 1977: 97.— Rainer and Kaly, 1988: 686.— Ravara et al., 2010a: 402.— Ravara et al., 2010b: 7.

Type species. Aglaophamus lyratus Kinberg 1866, by monotypy.

Diagnosis. Branchiae involute or recurved. Lyrate chaetae present or absent. Barred chaetae present. Acicular lobes acutely pointed, aciculae curved at tip. Antennae and palps present. Pharynx with variable number of subterminal papillae in 14–22 longitudinal rows, proximal region of pharynx smooth.

Species Type locality Data source Body length, body Body pigment- Prostomium with nos of Pharynx, nos of prs width (max) in mm, ation, eyespots & prs of antennae terminal bifid papillae nos of chaetigers of position

type material

......continued on the next page Species Type locality Data source Body length, body width Body pigment- Prostomium with nos Pharynx, nos of (max) in mm, nos of ation, eyespots & of prs of antennae prs terminal bifid chaetigers of type position papillae material

a indicates data not provided Species Pharyngeal 1st chaetiger Notopodia of well developed Neuropodia of well Types of chaetae

subterminal chaetigers; presence or developed chaetigers; papillae, nos of rows, absence of branchiae

abranchiata (Ehlers, 20 rows each with 4-5 1st chaetiger not described lobes rounded, poorly lobes rounded poorly barred and serrated

) papillae per row; cone developed decrease in size developed decrease in capillaries present, no shaped, reducing in posteriorly, dorsal cirrus size posteriorly, ventral further details given size towards base of present; branchiae absent cirrus present


ambrizettana n/a ventral cirrus longer than noto poorly developed lobes, neuro poorly developed anterior chaetigers with

Augener, 1918) chaetigerous lobe; dorsal cirrus dorsal cirri absent; branchiae lobes, ventral cirri present barred chaetae, middle & similar, absent posterior chaetigers with long chaetae 3x 3 body width, broad bladed with serrated margins

derupeli n. sp. 22 each row with 7 parapodia projecting anteriorly, noto with conical acicular & neuro with conical barred chaetae present in papillae, median lying adjacent to prostomium postacicular lobes; branchiae acicular & postacicular preacicular fascicles of papilla & verrucae from chaetigers 8-22, straight lobes, small conical chaetigers 1-9, broad-

absent ventral cirrus bladed serrated capillaries

hartmannschroe- 20 each row with 2 to noto with low conical acicular parapodial lobes well 4 types: barred, serrated,

Jirkov & 5-6 papillae, median lobe, neuro 2x as long as noto, separated from each other; spinose & smooth Dnestrovskaya in dorsal & ventral acute, conical ventral & notopodial cirri capillaries Jirkov, 2001 papilla absent starting from chaetiger 2,

similar in size along body;

branchiae occupying 1/4 of

interramal space; present

from chaetiger 5 or 6 to

chaetiger 19

maryae ( San Martin, 20-22 each row with 8 same size as subsequent ones, noto- poorly developed, with neuro poorly developed, 5 types: barred, capillary,) accepted as M. long papillae; below directed anteriorly; noto- conical acicular lobes, other with conical acicular dentate, spinulose & stammeri verrucae present for acicular lobes conical others lobes poorly developed; lobes, other lobes poorly unequal lyrate 2/3 length; proximal poorly developed; neuro pre & branchiae absent developed, ventral cirrus region smooth postacicular lobes encircling subspherical

acicular lobes; dorsal cirrus

small, ventral cirriform with

swollen tips

minuta ( Théel, 18-20 each row with anteriorly directed, noto & noto- with conical acicular neuro with conical 3 types, barred restricted

) 4-6 papillae, single neuro acicular conical lobes, lobes, pre & post acicular acicular lobes, pre & post to 1st 20 chaetigers in

mid-dorsal papilla, other lobes poorly developed, lobes poorly developed, acicular lobes poorly preacicular fascicle, finely proximal region dorsal cirrus v. small, ventral dorsal cirrus small; branchiae developed, ventral cirrus spinulated in postacicular smooth well developed cirriform straight, ciliated occupying small. fascicle, capillaries

1/3 of interramal space; from present in 1st chaetiger chaetiger 6-8 to 10-14 and preacicular fascicle

……continued on the next page longitudinal bands ventral, with swollen tips inflated bases; branchiae ventral cirrus with chaetae all finely absent but walls of interramal inflated bases spinose capillaries, region with 6 tufts of cilia lyrate with unequal forks from chaetiger 3 or 4

. sphaerocirrata 22 each row with 7-10 papillae directed forwards to lie parallel noto with acicular lobes neuro with acicular 4 kinds, barred in

Wesenberg-Lund, per row, mid-dorsal & ventral to prostomium; noto with conical, all pre & post lobes conical, all pre & preacicular, post

1949) papilla absent, proximal base conical acicular lobe, pre & acicular lobes poorly post acicular lobes acicular with finely covered in verrucae, post acicular lobes rudimentary; developed, dorsal cirri with poorly developed., spinulated &

neuro pre & post acicular lobes spherical base & pointed tip, ventral cirrus initially lyriform with

encircling acicular branchiae absent subspherical becoming unequal branches, elongated posteriorly capillaries in 1st chaetiger neuro, all chaetae long

. sphaerocirrata 22 each row with 12-15 directed forwards to lie parallel noto with conical acicular neuro with conical 3 types, most in

orientalis Lee & Jae, (mainly 14-15) papillae to prostomium, dorsal cirri lobes, preacicular lobe acicular lobes, postacicular

1983 median dorsal papilla & absent, ventral cirrus same rounded, postacicular lobe preacicular lobe fascicles with v. verrucae absent shape as palps, all lobes poorly low & rounded; dorsal cirrus rounded, postacicular long serrated

developed almost spherical; branchiae lobe low & rounded; capillaries, barred in absent ventral cirrus almost preacicular, lyrate spherical chaetae with equal forks

. stammeri ( Augener, 20-22 rows each with 8 long parapodia similar in size to noto with conical acicular neuro with conical 5 types: barred,

1932) and conical subterminal subsequent chaetigers, lobe, pre & post chaetal acicular lobe, pre & smooth capillaries, papillae subterminal papillae anteriorly directed, parallel to poorly developed rounded, post chaetal poorly serrated, spinose are followed by several minute prostomium. dorsal cirri small dorsal cirrus subsphaerical; developed rounded, capillaries & papillae, extending over 2/3 & spherical; ventral cirri branchiae absent ventral cirrus unequal lyrate length of pharynx; proximal cirriform with swollen tips subsphaerical

region smooth

. mesobranchia Calliope River based on original description 23, 2.2, 49 colourless present on almost square, slightly 10 Rainer & Hutchings, Gladstone Qld anterior margin convex anteriorly, 1 pr of 1977 Australia, estuarine of chaetiger 3, antennae & palps


. neopolybranchia Usurjiri Bay, based on original description, 20, 1, 61 dark pigmented 1 pr on 3rd rectangular, slightly 10 Imajima & Takeda, Hokkaido, Japan, 22 Jung & Hong, 1997 diamond in median chaetiger convex anterior, elongate, 1987 m part of prostomium 1pr of antennae & palps

…continued on the next page TABLE 4. (Continued)

Species Pharynx,arrangement, Pharyngeal subterminal 1st chaetiger Noto-& neuropodia of well Branchiae Chaetae

no. of prs bifid terminal papillae, no. of rows, developed chaetigers

papillae ornamentation for discussion re palps and antennae see Discussion of this paper

Nephtys paradoxa was originally described from Sweden but has been described from Australia and many other locations in the world, and certainly needs to be re-examined as almost certainly represents a suite of species see Ravara et al. 2010b.

TABLE 4. (Continued)

Species Pharynx,arrangement, Pharyngeal subterminal 1st chaetiger Noto-& neuropodia of well Branchiae Chaetae

no. of prs bifid terminal papillae, no. of rows, developed chaetigers

papillae ornamentation Species Pharynx,arrangement, Pharyngeal subterminal 1st chaetiger Noto-& neuropodia of well Branchiae Chaetae

no. of prs bifid terminal papillae, no. of rows, developed chaetigers papillae ornamentation

. serrata Imajima 11 22, each row with 3-4 not erect, noto with noto better developed than from 5th to near end 2 kinds, barred in

Takeda, 1987 papillae, median dorsal conical acicular lobe, neuro, acicular lobes bilobed of body, well preacicular & long papilla absent, verrucae pre & postacicular distally, preacicular low & developed & involute spinulose with small abundant on lobes small, dorsal & rounded, postacicular; dorsal postacicular fascicles proximal surface ventral cirri long & cirrus with foliaceous base


. sukumoensis n/a 20, each with 4-7 papillae, n/a parapodial lobes slightly from 2nd almost to barred limited to

Kitamori, 1960 no mid-dorsal papilla incised at distal ends pygidium, foliaceous chaetigers 1-8, replaced present thick, with small with long smooth cirrus, absent on last 5 capillaries on

segments subsequent chaetigers, plus some with

flattened serrated blades

Nephtys triangula 12 22, each row with 7 directed forward, noto with elongate from 3rd (4 in small barred extend to

sp. papillae, median dorsal lying adjacent to postacicular lobe, acicular specimens), continue posterior chaetigers, papilla absent, verrucae prostomium. lobe rounded, neuro with 2 to posterior, by broad-bladed long present proximally equal sized lobes, well chaetiger 20 fully flowing capillaries with developed ventral cirrus occupying interramal serrated margins space


Published as part of Dixon-Bridges, Kylie, Gladstone, William & Hutchings, Pat, 2014, One new species of Micronephthys Friedrich, 1939 and one new species of Nephtys Cuvier, 1817 (Polychaeta: Phyllodocida: Nephtyidae) from eastern Australia with notes on Aglaophamus australiensis (Fauchald, 1965) and a key to all Australian species, pp. 513-540 in Zootaxa 3872 (5) on pages 526-536, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3872.5.5,


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  • Hartman, O. (1950) Goniadidae, Glyceridae and Nephtyidae. Allan Hancock Pacific Expeditions, 15, 84 - 117.
  • Fauchald, K. (1977) The polychaete worms, definitions and keys to the orders, families and genera. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County: Los Angeles, CA (USA) Science Series, 28, 1 - 188.
  • Rainer, S. & Kaly, U. (1988) Nephtyidae (Polychaeta: Phyllodocida) of Australia: new species from the North West Shelf, and a key to Australian species. Journal of Natural History, 22 (3), 685 - 703. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222938800770451
  • Ravara, A., Wiklund, H., Cunha, M. & Pleijel, F. (2010 a) Phylogenetic relationships within Nephtyidae (Polychaeta, Annelida). Zoologica Scripta, 39, 394 - 405. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1463 - 6409.2010.00424. x
  • Ravara, A., Cunha, M. & Pleijel, F. (2010 b) Nephtyidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from southern Europe. Zootaxa, 2682, 1 - 68. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.3853 / j. 0067 - 1975.31.1977.216
  • Augener, H. (1918) Polychaeta. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Meeresfauna West-Afrikas, Herausgegeben von W. Michaelsen, Hamburg, 2, 67 - 625.
  • Jirkov, I. & Dnestrovskaya, N. Yu. (2001) Micronephthys (Polychaeta: Nephtyidae) of Northern Europe and Arctic. Invertebrate Zoology, 7, 107 - 121. [In Jirkov, I. (2001)] [Polychaeta of the Arctic Ocean] [Polikhety severnogo Ledovitogo Okeana. Moskva, Yanus- K, 1 - 632] http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 11250003.2011.589175
  • Jung, R. - H. & Hong, J. - S. (1997) Nephtyidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Yellow Sea. Bulletin of Marine Science, 60 (2), 371 - 384.
  • Imajima, M. & Takeda, Y. (1987) Nephtyidae (Polychaeta) from Japan. II. The genera Dentinephtys and Nephtys. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, 13, 41 - 77. [Tokyo Series A]
  • Kitamori, R. (1960) Two new species of cirratulid and Nephthydidae (Annelida: Polychaeta). Bulletin of the Japanese Society for Scientific Fisheries, 26 (11), 1082 - 1085. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.2331 / suisan. 26.1082