Ammophila borealis LI & YANG 1990
Ammophila borealis LI & YANG 1990: 263, ♀, 3. Holotype: ♀, China: Nei Mongol: Hailar City (Beijing Agricultural University), not examined.
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d:None.
D e s c r i p t i o n:(LI & YANG 1990: 263, translated from Chinese by Yan Chengjin): " ♀: Body length 16.0- 17.5 mm. Black; tergum I largely, tergum II, sternum II, base of sternum III and tergum III yellowish red; apical black portion of abdomen without metallic blue luster; posterior part of tegula and wings yellowish brown, veins pale brown to brown. Vertex, gena and clypeus with long black setae; head and thorax with long, erect, white or black setae. Pronotal lobe with pubescence or not, mesopleuron posteriorly covered with dense appressed setae or setae not distinct. Gastral petiole ventrally with sparse pubescence.
Vertex, frons and clypeus sparsely punctate, without supra-antennal projection. Postocellar diameter (ODD): postocellar distance (POD): oculocellar distance (OOD): interocular distance at anterior ocellus (IODP): interocular distance at clypeus (IODC) = 1: 1.3-2.1: 2.7-3.8: 8-10.6: 7-9. Relative length of antennal pedicel: flagellomere I: II. III: IV = 1.2-1.6: 4-5.7: 2.2-3.2: 2-3: 1.5-2.2. Pronotal collar length: width = 3.5-5.5: 7.6- 10.5, sparsely punctate, with shallow median furrow; transversely, densely, finely (but not distinctly) striate on anterior slope; scutum transversely, densely finely striate and punctate, with admedian line; scutellum coarsely, longitudinally striate; metanotum without distinct striae; propodeal enclosure with median carina, surface coarsely, obliquely striate laterally. Mesopleuron and mesosternum without distinct rugose striae; with episternal sulcus and anterior part of mesosternum normal. Metapleuron and lateral side of propodeum coarsely rugose-striate. Submarginal cell III of forewing petiolate. Foretarsus asymmetrical; hindleg, relative length of tibia: tarsomeresus I: II: III = 17-23: 9.5-12.7: 4.9-6.9: 4.1-5.3, claws simple, with pulvillus. Length of gastral petiole: tergite I: II = 11-15.8: 11.4-14.9: 9.3-12.3.
3: Body length 17.0- 17.5 mm. Similar to female. Tergum I and tergum II with brown or black stripe on dorsum; wing veins dark brown. Head with long, black setae; prothorax and scutum with long, black or white setae, other areas with long white setae. Clypeus and lower areas of frons covered with dense appressed setae; anterior margin of clypeus emarginate medially. ODD: POD: OOD: IODP: IODC = 1: 2: 3.3-3.5: 9.8-10.2: 2.5-5.1. Relative length of antennal pedicel: flagellomere I: II: III = 1.3: 4.7-5.3: 3.1-3.5: 1.6-1.8. Pronotal collar length: width = 4-5: 9-9.2. Scutum densely punctate, finely, transversely striate; metapleuron and lateral side of propodeum finely rugose-striate. Hindleg, relative length of tibia: tarsomeres I: II = 22: 12-12.1: 6-6, 2: 4.6-4.9. Length of gastral petiole: tergite I: II = 18-19.5: 15.8-16.2: 12.4-12.7. Genitalia (Figs 651, 652, 655, 656, 657).
R e l a t i o n s h i p s. This new species is related to A. pubescens CURTIS (1836) and A. mongolensis TSUNEKI (1971), but it can be easely distinguished from the latter by the combined characters of relative length of ODD, POD, OOD, IODP, and IODC, gastral petiole of female ventrally sparsely pubescent, male tergum I and tergum II with brown or black stripe on the dorsum, and a different shape of male genitalia."
G e o g r a p h i c a l d i s t r i b u t i o n: China:HunjiangCity,JilinProvince; Nei Mongol; Pinquan Co., Hebei Province.
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- Figure: 10.5281/zenodo.5341232 (DOI)
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- Journal article: 10.5281/zenodo.5341134 (DOI)
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- Family
- Poaceae
- Genus
- Ammophila
- Kingdom
- Plantae
- Order
- Poales
- Phylum
- Tracheophyta
- Scientific name authorship
- Species
- borealis
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype
- Taxonomic concept label
- Ammophila borealis LI, 1990 sec. Dollfuss, 2013