Published December 17, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Beenenia kabateki Bezděk 2012, sp. nov.


  • 1. Mendel University, Department of Zoology, Zemědělská 1, CZ – 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic


Beenenia kabateki sp. nov.

(Figs. 2, 9–12)

Type locality. Yemen, Socotra Island, Homhil protected area, 12°34′27′′N, 54°18′32′′E.

Type material. HOLOTYPE: ♂, ‘Yemen, Soqotra Is., HOMHIL / protected area, 28.-29.xi.2003 / N 12°34′27′′ E 54°18′32′′, 364 / m (GPS), leg. P.Kabátek leg. [w, p] // YEMEN – SOQOTRA / 2003 / Expedition; Jan Farkač, / Petr Kabátek & David Král [w, p]’ (NMPC). PARATYPES: 1 ♂, 1 ♀, same data as holotype (♂ in JBCB, ♀ in NMPC). The specimens are provided with additional printed red label: ‘ HOLOTYPUS [or PARATYPUS], / Beenenia / kabateki sp. nov., / J. Bezděk det., 2011’.

Description. Body length: ♂♂ 4.7–5.4 mm (holotype 5.4 mm); ♀ 5.6 mm.

Male (holotype, Fig. 2) moderately flat, parallel, pubescent, semiopaque. Head black with metallic tint, mandibles, clypeus and antennal insertions pale brown, vertex dark brown. Pronotum, scutellum and elytra dark brown with metallic tint, anterior and posterior margins of pronotum pale brown. Underside dark brown to black with metallic tint, lateral margins of meso- and metasternum paler, abdomen dark brown.Antennomere I dark brown, antennomeres II–XI black. Legs dark brown to black with apices of all femora pale brown.

Labrum transverse with anterior margin widely shallowly concave, lateral margins rounded, surface covered with 6–8 long pale setae. Anterior part of head lustrous, impunctate, laterally, below antennal insertions and along nasal keel with several long pale setae. Interocular space wide, 3.00 times as wide as transverse diameter of eye. Frontal tubercles large, subtriangular, lustrous, impunctate, moderately elevated, with anterior tips divergent. Tubercles separated from each other by thin sulcus,which continues through vertex as indistinct impressed line. Frons slightly impressed behind frontal tubercles. Interantennal space 1.60 times as wide as transverse diameter of antennal socket. Vertex semiopaque, densely covered with large punctures, fine microsculpture and long pale setae. Lateral side of head behind eyes lustrous, covered with distinct wrinkles and sparsely with short pale setae. Antennae short, relatively robust, 0.60 times as long as body, length ratios of antennomeres I–XI equal 14-8-10-12- 12-12-12-11-10-11-15. Antennomeres VI–X 1.20-1.40 times as long as wide. Antennomeres II–V shiny, covered with long pale setae, with bases slightly narrowed, flattened in their basal halves, antennomeres VI–XI semiopaque, covered also with dense short setae and microsculpture, gradually less flattened.

Pronotum transverse, 1.74–1.82 times as broad as long, widest at anterior third, subparallel. Surface lustrous, densely covered with small punctures and short pale setae. Pronotal disc with small shallow impressions in middle of both anterior and posterior part of pronotum and laterally with two shallow oblique impressions. Both anterior and posterior margins with row of dense short setae directed anteriorly (posteriorly, resp.). Anterior margin nearly straight, posterior margin nearly straight in mid part with small shallow incision in middle, lateral parts of posterior margin oblique, lateral margins subparallel. Anterior margin unbordered, lateral and posterior margins shallowly thinly bordered. Anterior angles prominent, swollen, slightly produced laterally, nearly rectangular, posterior angles distinct, obtusangulate.Anterior angles with four long pale setae, posterior ones with one or two pale setae. Scutellum wide, subtriangular, with widely rounded apex, covered with fine punctures and short pale setae (partly abraded in holotype).

Elytra shiny, 0.70 times as long as body, 1.78 times as long as wide (measured at humeral calli), very densely covered with small confused punctures (somewhat larger than on pronotum), and with short pale setae (partly abraded in holotype). Humeral calli well developed. Elytral disc flattened, slightly impressed in postscutellar area. Lateral margins slightly explanate. Epipleura missing. Macropterous.

Ventral surface shiny, covered with fine punctures and long pale setae, abdomen semiopaque covered also with microsculpture. Last ventrite wide and short, posterior margin widely shallowly concave, with wide and short subtriangular impression.

Legs moderately long and narrow, semiopaque, densely covered with pale setae. Protarsomere I relatively narrow, apically slightly dilated, 0.68 times as long as two following tarsomeres combined, as wide as protarsomere II. Length ratios of protarsomeres I–IV equal to 11-9-7-14. Metatarsomere I elongate, narrow, apically slightly dilated, 0.95 times as long as two following tarsomeres combined, slightly narrower than metatarsomere II. Length ratios of metatarsomeres I–IV equal to 16-10-7-15.

Basal two thirds of aedeagus robust, subtubular, apical third flat, straight and directed downwards. Left side subapically with large lateral plate, behind this plate left side of aedeagus distinctly constricted. Apex wide, distinctly asymmetrical to right, with distinct small subtriangular tip (Fig. 9).

Female. Antennae slightly shorter than in male, 0.55 times as long as body. Interocular space wider, 3.90 times as wide as transverse diameter of eye. Interantennal space 2.15 times as wide as transverse diameter of antennal socket. Pronotum 1.80 times as broad as long. Elytra 1.85 times as long as wide. Last ventrite with evenly rounded posterior margin. Spermatheca with C–shaped cornu, nodulus small, narrower than base of cornu, ductus receptaculi short (Fig. 12). Tignum long, with apical part not extended, apex slightly bent laterally. Sternite VIII widest at base, with rounded lateral margins, posterior third covered with setae (Fig. 10). Vaginal palpi with wide base, anteriorly with subtriangular tip, posteriorly slightly divergent, each palp slightly extended subapically, apically narrowing with rounded apex. Several setae cummulated at apex (Fig. 11).

Variability. The only known female specimen is relatively pale having pronotum with anterior and posterior margins widely paler, elytra brown with metallic tint, abdomen brown and legs brown with black tarsi. The shape of pronotum in the holotype is subparallel, but in both paratypes lateral margins are straight and slightly convergent posteriorly.

Differential diagnosis. Beenenia kabateki sp. nov. is similar to B. scanticola sp. nov. but differs in the dark brown colouration with a metallic tint (metallic black in B. scanticola sp. nov.), in pronotum covered with fine punctures, and in elytra covered with short pale setae (in B. scanticola sp. nov. elytra are covered with two kinds of setae – shorter adpressed and longer semierected to erected setae). Apical third of aedeagus of B. kabateki sp. nov. is more turned to the left and more bent downwards than in B. scanticola sp. nov. (Figs. 3, 9).

Etymology. Dedicated to Petr Kabátek (Prague, Czech Republic), specialist in Cerambycidae, who collected the type series.

Distribution. So far known only from the type locality in Homhil area, Socotra, Yemen.


Published as part of Bezděk, Jan, 2012, Galerucinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of Socotra Island, with a review of taxa recorded from Yemen, pp. 403-428 in Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 52 on pages 409-412, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5339720


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Collection code
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sp. nov.
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holotype , paratype
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Taxonomic concept label
Beenenia kabateki Bezděk, 2012