Published August 31, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Determining the influence of protein-mineral additives on the properties of butter cookies emulsion

  • 1. Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade
  • 2. Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University


This paper reports the results of studying the influence of two types of protein-mineral additives on the properties of butter biscuit emulsion. The additives are considered as a source of digestible calcium compounds and as a functional and technological component that can improve the quality of buttery flour products. The parameters for pre-hydration of additives in the environment of cow's milk for better implementation of their functional and technological characteristics have been substantiated. It was established that the use of protein-mineral additives in the manufacture of emulsions in the amount of up to 7 % leads to an increase in the emulsification capacity of model systems by 1.5...1.65 times. Improved emulsion resistance has been proven, in particular after heat treatment. It was established that using 5...7 % of the additive produces a pronounced thermal stabilizing effect. After heat treatment at a temperature of 90...95 °C during 3×60 s, when using the protein-mineral additive, a volume of the released water and fat phase increases by 12...25 %. When applying the improved additive, a volume of the released phases increases by 3...10 %. A lower degree of coalescence of the fat phase as part of the emulsion when using the improved protein-mineral additive was microscopically confirmed.

The fact of increasing the effective viscosity of emulsions when using up to 7 % of the improved protein-mineral additive was established. This is a positive fact in terms of stabilizing the emulsions and improving their stability as one of the important factors related to the quality of finished flour confectionery. It was established that the improved form of the additive, due to the content of chondroitin sulfates, provides for a better effect on the characteristics of emulsions, which should have a positive influence on the quality of flour-based buttery products.


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