Adrastus anatolicus PLATIA & SCHIMMEL 1991
M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Artvin: Hopa, 07.VII.1978, Rubus sp., 1 ex.; Bilecik: Central province, 07. VI.1973, Prunus persica (LINNAEUS 1753) BATSCH 1801, 3 exs., 08.VII.1976, Humulus lupulus LINNAEUS 1753, 2 exs., 15. VI.1977, H. lupulus, 1 ex.; Burdur: Gölhisar, 10. VI.1975, weeds, 1 ex.; Çorum: Osmancık, 07. VI.1970, weeds, 1 ex.; Düzce: Yığılca, 01.VII.1979, Rubus sp., 1 ex.; Erzurum: Kop, 10.VII.1978, weeds, 1 ex., Oltu, 23. VI.1988, 1 ex.; Gümüşhane: Central province, 14.VII.1982, Salix sp., 1 ex.; Kahramanmaraş: Göksun, 14. VI.1985, weeds, 5 exs.; Karabük: Eskipazar, 13.VII.1979, Malus domestica BORKH. 1803, 2 exs., Medicago sativa LINNAEUS 1753, 2 exs.; Mardin: Mazı Dağı (1200 m), 05. VI.1976, weeds, 1 ex.; Ordu: Kumru, 07.VII.1976, H. lupulus, 4 exs., 13.VII.1978, weeds, 1 ex.; Rize: Central province, 10. VI.1973, weeds, 4 exs.; Sivas: Suşehri, 12.VII.1978, Populus sp., 1 ex.; Tekirdağ: Central province, 01. VI.1975, umbelliferous plant, 1 ex.; Tokat: Central province, 02.VII.1978, Acacia sp., 4 exs., weeds, 4 exs.; Uşak: Central province, 16. VI.1975, weeds, 1 ex.; Zonguldak: Çaycuma, 16.VII.1979, Alnus sp., 3 exs., Platanus sp., 1 ex. Totally 47 specimens.
D i s t r i b u t i o n i n T u r k e y Turkey (LOBL & SMETANA 2007; MERTLIK & PLATIA 2008); Adana, Ankara (Central province, Ayaş, Gölbaşı, Polatlı), Artvin [Yusufeli (Altıparmak Dağı)], Erzurum (Narman, Oltu, Şenkaya (Turnalı), Uzundere], Eskişehir, Kütahya, Malatya, Mersin [Erdemli (Doğlu)], Sivas (Hisar) (KESDEK et al. 2006); Aksaray (Güzelyurt), Ankara (Çamlıdere, Çubuk, Kalecik, Kazan, Kızılcahamam, Nallıhan), Çankırı (Central province, Ilgaz), Eskişehir (Günyüzü, Mihalıççık), Kayseri (Yeşilhisar), Kırıkkale (Çelebi), Kırşehir (Central province, Akpınar, Kaman, Mucur), Nevşehir (Central province, Ürgüp), Niğde (Çamardı), Sivas (Gürün, Hafik), Yozgat (Central province, Sorgun) (KABALAK & SERT 2011). Distributional map of A. anatolicus in Turkey is given on Fig. 1.
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- Is part of
- Journal article: 10.5281/zenodo.5328883 (DOI)
- Journal article: (URL)
- Is source of
- (URL)
- Collection code
- Event date
- 1970-06-07 , 1973-06-07 , 1973-06-10 , 1975-06-01 , 1975-06-10 , 1975-06-16 , 1976-06-05 , 1976-07-07 , 1978-07-02 , 1978-07-07 , 1978-07-10 , 1978-07-12 , 1979-07-01 , 1979-07-13 , 1979-07-16 , 1982-07-14 , 1985-06-14
- Family
- Elateridae
- Genus
- Adrastus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Material sample ID
- SMETANA 2007, PLATIA 2008
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Species
- anatolicus
- Taxon rank
- species
- Verbatim event date
- 1970-06-07 , 1973-06-07/1977-06-15 , 1973-06-10 , 1975-06-01 , 1975-06-10 , 1975-06-16 , 1976-06-05 , 1976-07-07/1978-07-13 , 1978-07-02 , 1978-07-07 , 1978-07-10/1988-06-23 , 1978-07-12 , 1979-07-01 , 1979-07-13 , 1979-07-16 , 1982-07-14 , 1985-06-14
- Taxonomic concept label
- Adrastus anatolicus PLATIA, 1991 sec. Gulpercin & Tezcan, 2012
- KESDEK M., PLATIA G. & E. YILDIRIM (2006): Contribution to the knowledge of clickbeetles fauna of Turkey (Coleoptera: Elateridae). - Entomofauna, Zeitschrift fur Entomologie 35: 417 - 432.