Published March 31, 2014
| Version v1
Journal article
Proculus reyescastilloiDelgado and Mora-Aguilar (Coleoptera: Passalidae: Proculini): A New Species from the Region of Chimalapas, Oaxaca, Mexico
Delgado, Leonardo, Mora-Aguilar, Eder F. (2014): Proculus reyescastilloiDelgado and Mora-Aguilar (Coleoptera: Passalidae: Proculini): A New Species from the Region of Chimalapas, Oaxaca, Mexico. The Coleopterists Bulletin 68 (1): 91-94, DOI: 10.1649/0010-065X-68.1.91, URL:
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- Figure: 10.5281/zenodo.5369268 (DOI)
- 3. Dorsal mandibular tooth with distal margin forming an acute angle in lateral view; ligula with acute apex; aedeagus with median lobe asymmetrical, lateral lobes projected with the apex blunt, sinuate in lateral view (eastern Guatemala; El Portillo, Santa Barbara, Celaque, Honduras) ......... P. burmeisteri Kuwert, 1891
- 4. Elytral setae on the 10th interval present from the base to past mid-elytron; external edge of mandible angular when viewed from above; pronotum matte (Sierra del Norte de Chiapas, Mexico; Cuchumatan Mtns., Huehuetenango, Guatemala; possibly Colombia) ..................... ................................ P. opacus Kuwert, 1891
- 4'. Elytral setae on the 10th interval present almost to elytral apex; external edge of mandible rounded when viewed from above; pronotum shiny (Sierra del Norte de Chiapas, Mexico; Sierra Santa Cruz, Sierra de las Minas, Cerro San Gil, Guatemala; possibly Costa Rica) ................. P. opacipennis (Thompson, 1857)
- 5'. Elytral setae on the 10th interval present almost to elytral apex; lateral lobes of aedeagus expanded, same length as basal piece; horn of median frontal structure with tip obviously free (possibly Veracruz, Sierra Madre de Chiapas (Soconusco), Mexico; coastal volcanic range, Guatemala) ........ P. goryi (Melly, 1833)
- 6. Lateral lobes of mentum flat; aedeagus small (fig. 5f ); internal frontal tubercles small (fig. 4f ), located 1/4 of distance from anterior clypeal border to horn of median frontal structure; dorsal mandibular tooth not distinct (fig. 2d); lateral pronotal fossae with setae (mountains NW of Yoro, Honduras).............. .............................P. jicaquei Schuster, Cano and Reyes-Castillo, 2003