TEI P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange
Release 4.3.0 is codenamed ‘dot-dot-dot’.
This release introduces new features and resolves a number of issues raised by the TEI community. As always, the majority of these changes and corrections are a consequence of feature requests or bugs reported by the TEI community using the GitHub tracking system. A full list of the issues resolved in the course of this release cycle may be found under the 4.3.0 milestone.
The following changes are particularly worth highlighting in this release:
New encoding features
- The new element ellipsis has been introduced for encoding a purposeful marking in the source document that indicates a passage has been omitted, and optionally supplying the omitted passage if available (#1877).
- The where attribute of event — used to reference a location by pointing to entries in a canonical list of places — has been moved to a new attribute class, att.locatable, and event is a member of the new class (#1910).
- The conversion element has been made a member of the new att.locatable class, allowing encoders to specify where a particular conversion calculation is or was applicable.
Changes to content models
- The invalid content model for editorialDecl in the TEI Lite ODD has been corrected (#2162).
- The object element allows multiple nested object siblings now (#2152)
- The schemaSpec element is now a member of the element class model.frontPart, allowing it to be a direct child of front or back (#2149, #2147).
- The attributes calendar and period allow multiple teidata.pointer values now (#2028, #2002).
Improvements of prose and examples
- Several examples have been corrected and improved (#2145).
- Several typos have been corrected (#2133).
- The descriptions on the usage of ruby has been improved (#2109).
- An example for the usage of hand on rt (ruby text) has been added (#2107).
- Language inconsistencies in the subsection on Using Non-Gregorien Calendars have been fixed (#2134).
- The descriptions of several modules have been improved (#1721, #1586, #2100).
- Several broken links and tagging errors on the TEI website have been repaired (#2160, #2159)
- Saxon 9 has been upgraded to Saxon 10 (#2117)
- The documentation for the release of the Oxygen plugin has been significally improved (#2116)
- The Schematron contraint for ab has been refined (#1988).
In addition, many improvements have been made to the XSLT stylesheets (which provide processing of TEI ODD files for Roma and OxGarage as well as other TEI conversions). The Stylesheets are maintained separately from the Guidelines at https://github.com/TEIC/Stylesheets. A full list of the issues resolved in the course of this release cycle may be found under the 7.52.0 milestone.
Highlights of this release include:
- References to the Schematron 1.x namespace (
) have been removed (#178). - xml:id values are passed through to HTML5 id attributes on the HTML output div with class tei_front, tei_body, or tei_back that is generated from a TEI input front, body, or back with an xml:id (#326).
- The error message for reading source files has been improved in the odd2odd.xsl file (#379).
- The URL wrapping in the JTEI Open Edition output has been enabled (#436).
- The error that caused desc children of graphic to be dropped has been fixed in odd2lite.xsl (#444).
- The repetition of id attributes when processing
elements into HTML has been fixed (#516).
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