Published June 29, 2009 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Heteropoda maxima Jager 2001


Heteropoda maxima Jäger, 2001

Figs 6–28, 112

Heteropoda maxima Jäger 2001b: 462 (description of ♂ and ♀). Jäger 2005: fig. 1 (map); Jäger 2007: 54 (further records from Laos).

Type material: Holotype (PJ 1476): ♁, LAOS: Khammouan Province: Thakek, Ban Tham, 140 m, LIV-Nr. 2, Entrée Nr. 5, 1933, Colani ded. (MNHN). Paratypes (1 ♁, 8 ♀♀, 5 juv.): LAOS: Khammouan Province : 3 ♀♀, 2 juv. (PJ 1477–1479, 1480–1481), same data as for holotype (MNHN). 3 ♀ (PJ 1482–1484), Thakek, cave close to Ban Kouanphavang, 140 m, 19 November 1930, Colani ded., entree no. 5-1933 (MNHN). 1 ♁ (PJ 1488), 2 ♀ (PJ 1489, PJ 1490), 3 juv. (PJ 1485–1487), Thakek, Ban Nakaykhia, 140 m, 17 December 1930, Colani ded., entrée Nr. 5, 1933 (MNHN). All examined.

Additional material examined (5 ♁, 14 ♀♀ ). LAOS: Khammouan Province : Thakek: 1 ♀ (PJ 1838), Ban Tham, foot cave, 161 m, N 17°25.799', E 104°51.906', 27 February 2003, P. Jäger (SMF 56572). 1 ♀ (PJ 2788), Ban Tham, 180 m, N 17°25.799', E 104°51.906', 2003, P. Jäger (SMF 56574). 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (PJ 2770, 2771), 9.5 km NE Thakek, N 17°26.936', E 104°52.499', 29 October 2004, P. Jäger & V. Vedel,(SMF 56533). 1 ♂ (PJ 2487), Ban Kouanphavang (1), inside cave, 17 April 2003, breeding ex female, P. Jäger (MHNG). 1 ♂, 1 ♀ (PJ 2772, 2773), Ban Kouanphavang (1) inside cave, 180 m, N 17°27.15', E 104°56.321', 29–30 October 2004, P. Jäger & V. Vedel (SMF 56634). 1 ♀ (PJ 2802), Ban Kouanphavang (2) inside cave, 180 m, N 17°27.39', E 104°55.435', 30 October 2004, P. Jäger & V. Vedel (MHNG). 1 ♀ (PJ 2804), Ban Kouanphavang (2), 180 m, N 17°27.39', E 104°55.435', 2005, P. Jäger (SMF 56573). 1 ♀, ca. 18 km N of Thakek, Ban Doy Village, N 17°33'26'', E 104°49'28'', 140 m, November 2008, A.V. Abramov (ZISP, det. D.V. Logunov January 2009). Ban Thathot: 1 ♂ (PJ 2776), Tham Kamouk, in cave, 165 m, N 17°37.897’, E 105°07.502', 19./ 20 February 2003, P. Jäger (SMF 40869). 1 ♀ (PJ 2777), same data as for PJ 2776 (SMF 40869). 1 ♀ (PJ 2778), footcave near village, 163 m, N 17°37.471', E 105°08.797', 23 February 2003, P. Jäger by hand (RMNH). 1 ♀ (PJ 2787), Tham Deua, 169 m, N 17°38.058’, E 105°06.279', 21 February 2003, P. Jäger (SMF 40802). Ban Kouane Khoay: 1 ♀ (PJ 2779), Tham Phalangnang, N 17°27.200’, E 105°02.563', 99 m, in limestone cave, 11 March 2007, P. Jäger & F. Steinmetz by hand, (SMF 40801). 1 ♀ (PJ 3111), same data as for PJ 2779 (SMF 58973). Tham Xe Bangfai: 1 ♀ (PJ 2790), resurgence of the Nam Quang, entrance area, N 17°31’12.8", E 105°03'34.4", sample 024/05, 24 February 2005, H. Steiner (NSMT). 1 ♂ (PJ 2791), Nam Quang, Tham Kh, on ceiling, N 17°32'9.7", E 105°03'54.6", sample 019/05, 25 February 2005, H. Steiner (SMF 40870). 1 ♀ (PJ 2803), Ban Nong Ping, Tham Ko Kou Phou, N 17°22'19.9", E 105°50'05.4", sample 059/07, 17 February 2007, H. Steiner (SMF 40871).

Extended diagnosis. Large size (body length of males: 24.0–30.0, of females: 28.5–48.5), elongated cymbium (at least three times as long as tegulum), elongated anterior bands of epigynal field and characteristic course of internal duct system (Jäger 2001b). Ventral flange of conductor turning prolaterally not before the basal third of conductor (Fig. 9). Sperm-duct slightly S-shaped (Figs 7, 9). Female: anterior part of internal duct system covering at least one third of length of posterior part as in H. steineri sp. nov. (in contrast, H. aemulans sp. nov. and H. simplex with anterior part only barely covering posterior part). Anterior part longer than wide (Fig. 14).

Redescription. Male (n=7):

Prosoma length 12.9 15.0, prosoma width 11.0 13.7, anterior width of prosoma 5.3 6.5, opisthosoma length 11.2 14.4, opisthosoma width 6.2 8.5. Eyes: AME 0.59 0.70, ALE 1.05 1.19, PME 0.79 0.92, PLE 1.06 1.18, AME AME 0.21 0.29, AME ALE 0.03 0.13, PME PME 0.27 0.42, PME PLE 0.61 0.87, AME PME 0.48 0.74, ALE PLE 0.64 0.87, clypeus height at AME 0.89 1.58, clypeus height at ALE 0.62 0.97.

Cheliceral furrow with denticles situated exclusively close to the three promarginal teeth (Fig. 12). Retrolateral margin with 4, rarely 5 (n=1; Fig. 12) teeth.

Spination Palp: 131, 101, 2121; legs: femur I 323, II 323(333) III 333, IV 331; patella I IV 101; tibia I II 2226 (2326), III 2226 (2126), IV 2126 (2226); metatarsus I II 1014, III 2014 (1014), IV 3036. Leg formula: 2143. Measurements of palp and legs: Palp 22.9–27.5 [7.9 9.5, 3.2 4.2, 5.4 6.8, 6.4 7.5], I 95.8 120.2 [23.1 29.8, 7.9 9.8, 27.5 34.8, 31.5 39.7, 5.8 6.7], II 106.6 130.6 [26.0 32.8, 8.6 10.3, 31.1 37.7, 34.8 42.9, 6.1 7.1], III 78.5 94.4 [20.9 25.8, 7.2 8.8, 23.6 27.8, 22.4 28.5, 4.1 5.1], IV 78.8 102.9 [21.1 27.8, 6.3 8.2, 22.0 29.1, 24.6 33.0, 4.5 5.4].

Pedipalp as in diagnosis, with RTA arising distally on tibia (Figs 7–8), vRTA flat, not humped, dRTA long and slim (Figs 7–8, 10), dRTA directed slightly retrolateral, most distal tip bent prolaterally or distally (Fig. 10). Cymbium strongly elongated, at least 3 times as long as tegulum (on average 3.5 times as long). Conductor arising in an 11-o’clock-position on tegulum, which being slightly elongated in the basal half. Embolus arising in a 6-o’clock-position on tegulum, semi-circular. Tegulum moderately elongated (Fig. 9).

Colouration. Generally lighter greyish-brown with darker brown pattern on opisthosoma, darker brown annulate patches on the legs, and darker brown cross-band basally on prosoma (Fig. 112). Remaining dorsal prosoma with lighter brown radial patches. Annulate patches on femur not equal in length and in colour, subdistal one distinctly longer and darker than the others (Fig. 112). Very short distal section of femur very light, almost whitish grey.

Female (n=20):

Prosoma length 13.0 19.0, prosoma width 11.3 15.8, anterior width of prosoma 6.1 8.8, opisthosoma length 15.5 25.7, opisthosoma width 8.9 18.5. Eyes: AME 0.48 0.68, ALE 0.98 1.25, PME 0.75 0.94, PLE 1.01 1.28, AME AME 0.27 0.42, AME ALE 0.09 0.22, PME PME 0.35 0.64, PME PLE 0.81 1.11, AME PME 0.65 0.88, ALE PLE 0.73 1.16, clypeus height at AME 1.23 2.25, clypeus height at ALE 0.87 1.63.

Cheliceral furrow, teeth and denticles as in male. Retromargin of cheliceral furrow usually with 4 teeth (exception 5 teeth: Fig. 13).

Palpal claw with 9, rarely 10 (n=2) teeth. Arising points of teeth forming a relatively straight line in lateral view (Fig. 11).

Spination: Palp: 131, 101, 2121, 1014; legs: femur I 323, II 323(333, n=2), III 333, IV 331; patella I III 101, IV 101(001, n=4); tibia I 2126 (2226, n=5/ 2026, n=1), II III 2226 (2126, n=3), IV 2126 (3126, n=1); metatarsus I II 1014, III 2014, IV 3036. Leg formula: 2143(2413, n=2). Measurements of palp and legs: Palp 20.7 32.4 [5.7 10.2, 3.0 4.8, 4.7 7.3, 6.3 10.3], I 67.6 101.3 [18.9 27.1, 7.3 10.7, 19.6 30.6, 18.1 29.0, 3.7 5.4], II 70.3 108.3 [19.0 29.9, 7.5 11.1, 21.5 32.1, 18.5 31.0, 3.9 5.7], III 59.4 90.2 [16.4 25.6, 6.4 9.2, 17.4 26.4, 15.4 25.0, 3.5 5.0], IV 64.2 97.2 [17.7 27.4, 6.2 8.7, 18.5 27.2, 17.7 29.3, 3.7 5.4].

Copulatory organ as in diagnosis. Epigynal field with extremely long anterior bands (length/basal length 1.6–1.88). Anterior bands in many cases situated closely together. Median septum freely visible, partly covered by lateral lobes, especially in its posterior part. Anterior, narrow part of septum between copulatory openings more than half as broad as median, broadest part (Fig. 18). Septal pocket moderate in length and never elongated triangular, but rounded anteriorly. Posterior parts of lateral lobes more strongly developed and in many cases closer together than in other species (Figs 17, 21–22). Slit sense organs in most cases outside of epigynal field. Anterior part of internal duct system strongly developed, covering clearly the anterior section of posterior part (Fig. 14); anterior and posterior part more or less equal in width; posterior part oval, transversely orientated; anterior part longer then wide; ca. 1 winding until turning point.

Colouration. As in male, but with less distinct pattern. Especially the radial patches on prosoma in front of dark cross-band are often barely recognisable.

Variation of copulatory organs. Male pedipalp varying barely. Anterior bands of epigynal field varying in length. Lateral lobes in some specimens stronger developed than in others, i.e., showing a narrower median septum as the latter. Strong lateral epigynal lobes can be recognised in posterior view in several individuals (Fig. 24). In some individuals several grooves anterior to copulatory openings could be recognised (Figs 22–23). Vulva shape varying stronger than external characters: helical part of internal duct system and posterior part varying in size. Distance between median parts of first winding variable (Figs 25–28).


Published as part of Bayer, Steffen & Jäger, Peter, 2009, Heteropoda species from limestone caves in Laos (Araneae: Sparassidae: Heteropodinae), pp. 1-23 in Zootaxa 2143 (1) on pages 4-7, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.2143.1.1,


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  • Jager, P. (2001 b) A new species of Heteropoda (Araneae: Sparassidae: Heteropodinae) from Laos - the largest huntsman spider? Zoosystema, 23, 461 - 465.
  • Jager, P. (2005) New large-sized cave-dwelling Heteropoda species from Asia, with notes on their relationships (Araneae: Sparassidae: Heteropodinae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 112, 87 - 114.
  • Jager, P. (2007) Spiders (Araneae) from Laos with descriptions of new species. Acta Arachnologica, 56, 29 - 58.