Pseudomeira obscurella Pierotti & Bello 1994
Pseudomeira obscurella Pierotti & Bellò, 1994
(Figs. 24, 50, 90, 104)
Pseudomeira obscurella Pierotti & Bellò, 1994: 107; Pierotti & Bellò, 1998: 106; Colonnelli, 2003: 48; Osella et al., 2005; Abbazzi & Maggini, 2009: 62.
Type locality: Apulia, Gargano, Cagnano Varano.
Diagnosis: Small (2.0– 2.8 mm), rather globose. Epistoma impressed, clypeus flat and longitudinally impressed in middle. Elytra convex on anterior part, clothed with grey scales and short rather robust, suberect setae.
Description: See Pierotti & Bellò (1994).
Distribution: Central and southern Apennines and Sicily.
Material from Sicily: We examined a total of 67 specimens, including the holotype in PIE. Genitalia of 4 were studied, and molecular data were obtained for 11.
Localities in Sicily: Messina: Peloritani: Calamarà (SOL), Campo Italia (BEL), Castanea (SOL), Colla (SOL, RAG), Cudduttà (VIT), Dinnamare (BAV, BEL), Portella Armacera (BAV, BEL), Portella Croce Cumia (BAV, BEL), Portella S. Rizzo (BAV), Malabotta (BAV, BEL, OSE, PIE), Scala (RAG), Tono (BAV, BEL); Nebrodi: M. Soro (STU); Catania: Maniace (BEL), M. Etna (OSE), M. Maletto (BAV, OSE, PIE), Piano Provenzana (BAV, BEL), Linguaglossa (GER, STU), Randazzo (BEL); Siracusa: Sortino (STU); Palermo: Alcara Li Fusi (BEL), Castellana Sicula (STU), Castelbuono (STU), Petralia Soprana (GER), Polizzi Generosa (BEL), Rocca Palumba (BEL).
Ecology: This is primarily a montane species, with adults in spring, collected in Sicily sifting leaf-litter taken under Fagus sp., Olea sp., Quercus sp., Castanea sp., Erica sp., Viola aetnensis P., or with pitfall traps. One of us (Baviera) also collected some adults sweeping low vegetation.
Reproduction: Parthenogenetic.
Notes: Our ongoing molecular studies may perhaps reveal that this parthenogenetic species with an unusual wide range is a complex of sibling ones. These are the first records for Sicily.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Curculionidae
- Genus
- Pseudomeira
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Pierotti & Bello
- Species
- obscurella
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Pseudomeira obscurella Pierotti, 1994 sec. Bellò & Baviera, 2011
- Pierotti, H., Bello, C. (1994) Peritelini nuovi o interessanti della fauna tirrenica (Coleoptera Curculionidae Polydrosinae). 3 ° contributo alla conoscenza della tribu Peritelini. Il Naturalista Siciliano, 18 (1 - 2), 107 - 122.
- Pierotti, H., Bello, C. (1998) Present knowledge of Palaearctic Peritelini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Polydrosinae). In: Colonnelli E., Louw S., & Osella G., (eds.). Taxonomy, ecology and distribution of Curculionoidea. Proceedings of Symposium (28 august, 1996, Florence, Italy). XX International Congress of Entomology. Atti del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino 1998, 81 - 108.
- Colonnelli, E. (2003) A revised checklist of Italian Curculionoidea (Coleoptera). Zootaxa, 337, 1 - 142.
- Osella, G., Biondi, S., Di Marco, C., Magnano, L., Zuppa, A. (2005) Coleoptera Curculionidae. In: Ruffo S. & Stoch F. (eds). Checklist e distribuzione della fauna italiana. Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, Sezione Scienze della Vita, (2) 16, 231 - 234, with data on CD-ROM.
- Abbazzi, P., Maggini, L. (2009) Elenco sistematico-faunistico dei Curculionoidea italiani, Scolytidae e Platypodidae esclusi (Insecta, Coleoptera). Aldrovandia, 5, 29 - 216.