Published July 31, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Euaesthetus laeviusculus MANNERHEIM 1844



Euaesthetus laeviusculus MANNERHEIM, 1844 (Abb. 8, 11, 15-20, 50)

Euaesthetus laeviusculus MANNERHEIM, 1844: 195; CAMPBELL & DAVIES 1991:112.

Euaesthetus frigidus POPPIUS, 1909: 21.

M a t e r i a l: CANADA: YK: 1: McQuesten Lake, 15 mi SW Keno, 19.VII.1968, Campbell & Smetana (CNC); 1: British Mountains, Swann Pond 4 km NE Wolf Creek, 69 o 08’N, 140 o 14’W, tread sedges around edge of pond, Campbell (ib); 2: ibidem, Sheep Creek, 69 o 10’N, 140 o 18’W, Alnus litter, 23.VI.1984, idem (ib); 1, 4: ibidem, Fish Creek, 69 o 27’N, 140 o 23’W, pan traps, 30.VI.-4.VII.1984, idem (ib, cP); 1: ibidem, Windy Ridge, 69 o 27’N, 140 o 25’W, moss & litter near Salix bush, 2.VII.1984, idem (ib). - NT: 2: Hwy 3.5 mi SE Ft. Simpson, 21.VI.1972, Smetana (ib); 2, 1: loc. 06-77, Anderson R. delta, Boat Island, Salix alexensis zone; traps, 26.VI.-15.VII.1977, Shpeley & Ball (KSEM, cP). - AB: 1: Medicine Hat, 1.IV.1934, Carr (CNC); 2: 5 mi N of Writing on Stone Prov. Pk, sedge, 12.VIII.1978, Lindquist (CNC, cP); 1: Cypress Hill Prov. Pk, Elkwater Lake, cattails in marsh, 5.VIII.1978, idem (ib); 1: 2 mi S Ponaka, Battle River, 6.VIII.1976, Campbell (ib); 1: Waterton Lakes N. P., Blackiston Valley, berlese moss at pools, 19.VI.1980, Smith (ib); 1: Bruderhelm, tread Carex and moss, 1.VII.1982, Davies (ib); 1: George Lake, 53 o 57’N, 114 o 06’W, 1.-12.VI.1980, Ashe (KSEM); 7, 3: near Edmonton, soaked from mud & grass clumps along slough, 25.III.1979, Ashe (ib, cP).-SK: 1: Christopher Lake, 11.VII.1959, Brooks (CNC); 1: Prince Albert N. P., 24.VII.1972, Bright (ib); 1, 4: 11 mi S Cypress Hills Prov. Pk, 7.-17.VI.1973, Redner & Starr (CNC, cP). - MB: 1, 2: Riding Mountains N.P., Ominni K. Marsh, berlese Carex in small pond, 30.VII.1979, Miller (CNC); 1, 3: Lake Andy, berlese litter mixed woods, 20.VIII., 11.IX.1979, Lyons, Smetana (ib); 3, 1: Whirlpool Lake, berlese Carex in small pond; treading shore line, 1.VI., 24.VIII.1979, Lyons, Miller (ib, cP); 4, 3: Jct. Hwy 10 & 19, 24.VII., 14.VIII.1979, Miller (ib).- ON: 10, 16: Ottawa (ib); 1, 1: Ottawa River, Britannia Bay, flood debris, 8.IV.1987, Davies (ib); 1: Merivale, berlese deciduous duff near marsh, 21.VII.1953, Becker (ib); 1, 1: Osgoode, ex nest of Microtus pennsylvanicus, 20.X.1967, Campbell (ib); 2, 1: Parry Sound Distr., 3 mi S Trout Cr., 18.IX.1974, Smith (ib, cP); 1: 109 mi N Pickle Lake, 21.VI.1973, Campbell & Parry (ib); 2: James Bay N. P., 51 o 29’N, 80 o 27’W, 2.- 6.VIII., 9.-3.VIII.1976, Morrison (ib); 1: Mer Bleue, 3.VIII.1973, Redner & Starr (ib); 1, 1: ibidem, pitfall-raspberry, 13.-20.VII.1982, Rickey & LeSage (ib); 1: Thunder Bay, Mt. McKay, 1600 feet, 15.-19.VI.1973, Campbell & Perry (ib); 1: North Gower, Marlborough Forest, 30VI.1987, LeSage & Skidmore (ib). - PQ: 1, 3: Saint-Nérée Bell., tamisage tourbière, 30.X.1976, Chantal (cC, cP); 3, 2: Sept-Iles, Saguenay, 19.VII.1988, 11.XI.1989, idem (ib); 1: 4 mi W Marsham, near Mud Lake, berlese ex lining of deserted beaver lodge, 24.X.1967, Campbell (CNC); 3, 12: Montreal, 1970-73, Kiteley (ib, cP); 2, 3: Mont Albert, Parc Gaspesie, 3700 feet, 10.- 11.VII.1972, Campbell (ib); 2, 1: Mt. Jaques Cartier, 4000 feet, 22.VII.1972, idem (ib); 3, 4: Ormstown, 1975-1983, Kiteley (ib, cP); 1, 1: Windsor, 10.VII.1983, Levesque C 1039 (ib); 1, 1: Gatineau Park nr Meach I., berlese moss on rocks at stream, 1.IX.1982, Davies (ib); 3: Mont du Lac des Cygnes, Charlevoix, piège fosse, milieu alpine ouvert, site D, 9., 23.VI., 20.VII.1999 (LFC). - NB: 1: York Co., Dumfries, Slagundy Dry Ponds, 45.8596‘‘N, 87.1849‘‘W, large vernal pond, pond margin in moist leaf litter,, 8.VII.2006, Webster (cW); 1: York Co., Rte 645 at Beaver Brook, 45.6860‘‘N, 66.8668‘‘W, Carex marsh, in litte rat base of Carex hummock, 6.V.2008, idem (ib); 1: York Co., 14 km WSW of Tracy, S of Rte 645, 45.6603‘‘N, 66.8607‘‘W, Black spruce bog, in sphagnum hummocks with Carex and grasses, 2.V.2010, idem (ib); 1: Restigouche Co., Jacquet River Gorge PNA, 47.8200’’N, 66.0015’’W, under alders in leaf litter & moss near small brook near Carex marsh, 13.V.2010, idem (ib). - NS: 7, 11: Cape Breton H.N.P., Warren Lake Trail, sifting alder litter, 26.IX.1984, Campbell & Davies (CNC, cP); 1, 12: 46 o 52’N, 60 o 25’W, Sandbar Pans, 3.-13.VI.1983, Goulet (ib); 1: South Harbour, Pan traps, 1.VII.1983, Vockeroth (cP).- PE: 3, 1: P. E. I. Nat. Pk, Long Pond, 2.VII.1986, Davies (CNC, cP).

U.S.A.: AL: 2: Mi. 23, Taylor Hwy, 8.VII.1968, Campbell & Smetana (CNC, cP); 2, 5: Mi. 123, Taylor Hwy, 9.VII.1968, idem (ib); 3: Mi. 1249 Alasky Hwy, Deadman Lake, 6.- 7.VII.1968, idem (ib); 1: Kotzebue, 14.VIII.1958, Lindroth (MCZH). - CO: 1 (cf. det.): Williams River Valley, 9000 feet, IX.1894, Wickham (MCZH). - MT: 1, 1: near Lima, ex marsh refuse, 30.VII.1976, Hammond (NHML, cP). - UT: 2: Monti Lasal N. F., Warner Campground, 9200 feet, wet moss, 8.-9.VII.1976, Hammond (NHML). - IA: 3, 5: Clay Co., Trumball Lake near Dickens, floor litter & moss in swamp, 5.VI.1961, Suter & Wagner (FMCh, cP). - ME: 1 (cf. det.): "Me.", coll. Fall (MCZH). - NH: 4: Mt. Washington, subalpine, 1.VII.1896, Blanchard (MCZH, AMNH, cP); 4, 10: ibidem, Alpine Garden, 5300 feet, sifting Dwarf Betula litter, 12.IX.1987, Campbell & Davies (CNC, cP); 11, 8: ibidem, Crawford Path, 5500 feet, sifting Vaccinium leaf litter with moss & grasses, 10.IX.1984, idem (ib); 4, 10: ibidem, above tree line, 5200-5700 feet, dwarf Salix, Vaccinium leatherleaf litter, 18.IX.1984, idem (ib); 1: Coos Co., Mt. Munroe, around Lakes of the Clouds, 50-5100 feet, Vaccinium, Dwarf Betula, leatherleaff litter, 10.IX.1987, Campbell & Davies (CNC); 1: ibidem, 5700 feet, Dwarf Salix, Vaccinium leatherleaf litter, idem (ib); 3: Halfway House, berlese moss by spring, 26.VIII.1982, Chandler (UNHD, cP); 1: Straffordford Co., East Foss Farm 1 km S Durham, forest FIT, 5.-18.X.2007, idem (ib); 1: Franconia (AMNH).- NY: 1, 3: "N.Y." coll. Casey (USNM, cP).

B e m e r k u n g: Diese Art ist über die gesamte Holarktis verbreitet. Die nordamerikanischen Stücke sind durchschnittlich grösser als Eu. iripennis und Eu. suteri und dunkler gefärbt (Abb. 8). Die Bestimmung ist in manchen Fällen unsicher (z. B. bei Exemplaren aus Ottawa und solchen aus hohen Lagen der Berge in NH: die Flügeldeckengrösse scheint mit zunehmender Höhe z. B. auf dem Mt. Washington abzunehmen); vgl. dazu auch oben.


Published as part of Puthz, V., 2014, Nordamerikanische Arten der Gattung Euaesthetus GRAVENHORST (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) 115. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Euaesthetinen, pp. 845-876 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 46 (1) on pages 859-860, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5306859


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Collection code
Event date
1934-04-01 , 1953-07-21 , 1959-07-11 , 1967-10-20 , 1967-10-24 , 1968-07-06 , 1968-07-08 , 1968-07-09 , 1968-07-19 , 1972-06-21 , 1972-07-10 , 1972-07-22 , 1973-06-07 , 1973-06-15 , 1973-06-21 , 1973-08-03 , 1974-09-18 , 1976-08-06 , 1976-10-30 , 1978-08-05 , 1978-08-12 , 1979-08-14 , 1979-09-11 , 1980-06-01 , 1980-06-19 , 1982-07-01 , 1982-08-26 , 1982-09-01 , 1983-06-03 , 1983-07-01 , 1983-07-10 , 1984-06-23 , 1984-06-30 , 1984-09-10 , 1984-09-18 , 1984-09-26 , 1987-04-08 , 1987-09-10 , 1987-09-12 , 1999-07-20 , 2007-10-05 , 2008-05-06 , 2010-05-02
Scientific name authorship
Taxon rank
Verbatim event date
1934-04-01/1977-07-15 , 1953-07-21 , 1959-07-11/1979-03-25 , 1967-10-20 , 1967-10-24 , 1968-07-06/07 , 1968-07-08 , 1968-07-09 , 1968-07-19 , 1972-06-21/1984-07-02 , 1972-07-10/11 , 1973-06-07/1979-07-30 , 1973-06-15/19 , 1973-06-21 , 1973-08-03 , 1974-09-18 , 1976-08-06 , 1976-10-30/1987-06-30 , 1978-08-05 , 1978-08-12 , 1979-08-14 , 1979-09-11 , 1980-06-01/12 , 1980-06-19 , 1982-07-01 , 1982-08-26 , 1982-09-01 , 1983-06-03/13 , 1983-07-01/1986-07-02 , 1983-07-10 , 1984-06-23 , 1984-06-30/07-04 , 1984-09-10 , 1984-09-18 , 1984-09-26/2010-05-13 , 1987-04-08 , 1987-09-10 , 1987-09-12 , 1999-07-20/2006-07-08 , 2007-10-05/18
Taxonomic concept label
Euaesthetus laeviusculus MANNERHEIM, 1844 sec. Puthz, 2014