Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Linguimaera daveyi Hughes, 2016, sp. nov.


Linguimaera daveyi sp. nov.

(Figs 35–38)

Type material. Holotype, male, 16.5 mm, dissected, 4 slides, SAMA C6498, Reef off Starvation Bay, Bathurst Channel, Port Davey (GPS) under rocks, 14 March 2003, coll. K.L. Gowlett- Homes.

Type locality. Reef off Starvation Bay, Bathurst Channel, Port Davey, Tasmania, Australia.

Etymology. Named for marine ecologist Adam Davey and the type locality port.

Description. Based on holotype male, 16.5 mm, SAMA C6498.

Head. Eyes subovate; lateral cephalic lobe broad, rounded, apically truncate, anteroventral margin with notch/ slit, anteroventral corner rounded. Antenna 1 longer than antenna 2; peduncular article 1 shorter than article 2, with 1 robust seta on posterior margin; peduncular article 2 longer than article 3; flagellum articles as long as broad, or broader than long, with 34 articles; accessory flagellum short, significantly less than half length of primary flagellum, with 7 articles. Antenna 2 peduncular article 4 longer in length than article 5; flagellum with 15 articles. Mandible accessory setal row, well developed with 9 setae; palp well developed, article 1 as long as broad, shorter than article 2; article 2 longer than article 3, with many slender setae; article 3 rectilinear, long, 3.2 × as long as broad, longer than article 1, with 5 apical slender setae. Lower lip inner lobes present, outer lobes ducts without ducts, mandibular lobes apically rounded. Maxilla 1 inner plate subquadrate, with 3 apical plumose setae.

Pereon. Gnathopod 1 coxa anterior margin concave, anteroventral corner produced, acute, posteroventral corner without notch; merus with acute posteroventral corner; carpus twice as long as broad, longer than propodus, length 1.1 × propodus, setae covering medial surface; propodus rectilinear, medial surface setal comb absent; palm subacute, straight, entire, lined with robust setae, defined by posterodistal corner; dactylus closing along palm.

Gnathopod 2 asymmetrical; larger gnathopod, chelate; coxa posteroventral corner without notch; basis slender, anterodistal corner subquadrate; merus with acute posteroventral corner; carpus compressed, length subequal to width; propodus massive, rectilinear, length 2.1 × width, anterior margin with rows of short slender setae, posterior margin with few slender setae, palm angle obtuse, margin undulating, lined with robust setae, posterodistal corner defined by tooth; dactylus closing along and reaching end of palm, posterior margin lined with setules, apically acute, unguis not defined. Gnathopod 2 smaller gnathopod subchelate; coxa posteroventral corner without notch; basis slender, anterodistal corner subquadrate; merus with subquadrate posteroventral corner; carpus compressed; propodus rectilinear, palm angle subacute, margin straight, lined with robust setae, defined by posteroventral corner with 2 large robust setae; dactylus closing along and reaching end of palm, posterior margin lined with setules, unguis present.

Pereopods 5–7 slender distally; basis posterior margin straight, weakly serrate, without long slender setae; merus and carpus not broadened; dactylus unguis simple.

Pleon. Pleonites 1–3 dorsally smooth. Epimera 1–3 posteroventral corner with notch, posterior margin with two distal serrations. Urosomites 1–3 without carina. Uropod 1 peduncle with 1 basofacial seta, length 1.2 × outer ramus. Uropod 2 peduncle length 1.2 × outer ramus, rami subequal in length. Uropod 3 rami subequal in length, much longer than peduncle, length 3.8 × width, distally truncated, with lateral and apical long and short robust setae. Telson deeply cleft, length 1.2 × width, lobes divergent, tapering distally, each lobe with short inner and longer outer apical cusp, lobes apically acute, margins concave, each lobe with 2–3 short apical robust setae, with 1 pair of robust setae on inner margins, 2 pairs of lateral robust setae.

Remarks. Linguimaera daveyi sp. nov. is one of two Linguimaera species where the dominant gnathopod 2 propodus is chelate (palm angle obtuse), the other species being L. zeidleri Krapp-Schickel, 2008. In L. daveyi sp. nov. the uropod 3 rami are longer, length more than three times width, than in L. zeidleri where the rami is only two and a half times as long as wide. Variation in length of uropod 3 rami with increasing specimen size was examined in the closely related species, H. thjisseni and H. hamigera, where more material was available for study. The ratio of the rami length to width was seen to be stable for specimens from 8 to16 mm. Therefore the possibility that L. daveyi is a larger growth stage of L. zeidler is rejected.

Examination of the holotype of L. zeidleri revealed some variation in addition to the material figured (Krapp- Schickel, 2008a: fig 17a). The holotype has only three serrations on the posterior margin of the epimera 3 in comparison to the 6 serrations figure for the species. The fewer number of serrations for L. zeidleri material is similar to L. daveyi. Additionally the holotype of L. zeidleri had only 1 pair of medial telsonic setae, a variation on the two pair illustrated. The telson setation pattern, both number and placement of setae, may also be used to separate L. daveyi from L. zeidleri however this characters should be used with some caution. The single type specimen of L. daveyi sp. nov. has an asymmetrical setation pattern on the telson. The lack of symmetry occurs in many specimen of Linguimaera (pers. obs. this study) and does not appear to be the result of damage.

Two additional Australian species, Hamimaera thijsseni sp. nov., and H. hamigera (Haswell, 1879), also have a chelate dominant gnathopod 2. The short uropod 3 rami, being less than twice as long as wide, separates these species into Hamimaera.

Distribution. Australia. Tasmania: Port Davey (current study).

Linguimaera everardensis sp. nov. (Figs 39–42)

Type material. Holotype male, 21 mm, dissected, 4 slides, south of Cape Everard, Victoria (38°12.5′S 149°5.5′E), 152 m, Orange Peel Grab, 20 June 1962, coll. CSIRO Fisheries (G2/62/62-5).

Type locality. South of Cape Everard (38°12.5′S 149°5.5′E).

Etymology. Named from the type locality.

Description. Based on holotype male, 21 mm, AM P.97874.

Head. Eyes subovate; lateral cephalic lobe broad, rounded, apically rounded, anteroventral margin with notch, anteroventral corner rounded. Antenna 1 longer than antenna 2; peduncular article 1 shorter than to article 2, with 1 distal robust seta on posterior margin; peduncular article 2 longer than article 3; flagellum articles longer than broad, with 33+ articles; accessory flagellum long, with 6 articles. Antenna 2 peduncular article 4 shorter in length than article 5; flagellum with 8 articles. Mandible accessory setal row, well developed with 5 setae; palp well developed, article 1 length 1.1 × width, shorter than article 2; article 2 longer than article 3, with many slender setae; article 3 rectilinear, long, 5 × as long as broad, longer than article 1, many marginal setae and 5 apical slender setae. Lower lip without apical ducts, mandibular lobes apically rounded. Maxilla 1 inner plate subquadrate, with 3 apical plumose setae. Maxilla 2 without medial setal row.

Pereon. Gnathopod 1 coxa anterior margin concave, anteroventral corner produced, acute, posteroventral corner with notch; merus with acute posteroventral corner; carpus length 2.1 × width, 1.1 × propodus length, with rows of setae covering medial surface; propodus subovate, medial surface setal comb absent; palm subacute, straight, entire, lined with robust setae, defined by 2 pairs of robust setae; dactylus closing along palm.

Gnathopod 2 asymmetrical; subchelate; larger gnathopod coxa posteroventral corner without notch; basis slender, anterodistal corner subquadrate, with several long slender setae; merus with acute posteroventral corner; carpus compressed, length 1.7 × width, anterior and posterior margin with rows of long slender setae; propodus rectilinear, length twice width, margin with rows of slender setae, palm angle subacute, posterodistal shelf subquadrate with 4 robust setae, palm margin with subquadrate tooth, palm defined by elongate subacute tooth and 4 long robust setae; dactylus closing along and reaching end of palm, posterior margin lined with setules, unguis absent. Gnathopod 2 smaller gnathopod basis slender, anterodistal corner subquadrate, with several long slender setae; merus with acute posteroventral corner; carpus compressed, length twice width, anterior margin without slender setae, posterior margin with rows of long slender setae; propodus rectilinear, length 2.1 × width, margin with rows of slender setae, palm angle subacute, without posterodistal shelf, palm margin lined with robust setae, palm defined by corner with 2 long and 2 short robust setae; dactylus closing along and reaching end of palm, posterior margin lined with setules, unguis present. Pereopods 3–4 slender distally; propodus posterior and distal margin with dense clusters of slender setae. Pereopods 5–6 slender distally; basis elongate, not expanded, posterior margin straight, weakly serrate; merus, carpus and propodus not broadened, anterior margins with clusters of long slender setae; dactylus unguis simple. Pereopod 7 slender distally; basis elongate, not expanded, posterior margin straight, serrate; merus, carpus and propodus not broadened, anterior margins with clusters of long slender setae; dactylus unguis simple.


Pleon. Pleonites 1–3 dorsally smooth. Epimera 1–3 posterior margin smooth, posterodistal corner with well-developed notch, ventral margin smooth. Uropod 1 peduncle with 1 basofacial seta, peduncle length 1.1 × outer ramus; inner ramus subequal to outer ramus. Uropod 2 peduncle length subequal to outer ramus; inner ramus subequal to outer ramus. Uropod 3 rami subequal, with apical slender setae; inner ramus length 2.5 × peduncle, length 5.2 × width. Telson deeply cleft, length 1.5 × width, lobes divergent, apically notched, inner cusps shorter than outer cusps, with 2 pair of apical robust setae, inner margin with 3 pair of robust setae, with 1 pair of lateral robust setae.

Remarks. The setation pattern of the telson with several pair of robust setae on the inner margins is similar to L. schickelae and L. pirloti. The smooth posterior margin with posterodistal notch of L. everardensis distinguished it from the latter species which have a serrate margin.

Distribution. Victoria. Cape Everard (current study).

Linguimaera garitima Krapp-Schickel, 2003 (Fig. 43–47)

Linguimaera garitima Krapp-Schickel, 2003: 266, figs 5–7.— Krapp-Schickel, 2008: 22.

Material examined. New South Wales: 1 A male dissected, 7.5 mm, 4 slides, AM P.92229, Black Rock, south of Smoky Cape (30°56′58″S 153°04′32″E), 13 m, under stones, 13 February 2002, coll. R.T. Springthorpe (NSW 1870); 1 b male dissected, 6.0 mm, 1 slide, AM P.92230, Black Rock, south of Smoky Cape (30°56′58″S 153°04′32″E), 13 m, under stones, 13 February 2002, coll. R.T. Springthorpe (NSW 1870); 1 c male, partially dissected, 1 slide (no measurement, damaged only front half of specimen exists), 1 slides, AM P92231, Black Rock, south of Smoky Cape (30°56′58″S 153°04′32″E), 13 m, under stones, 13 February 2002, coll. R.T. Springthorpe (NSW 1870); 7 specimens, AM P.77453, Black Rock, south of Smoky Cape (30°56′58″S 153°04′32″E), 13m, under stones, 13 February 2002, coll. R.T. Springthorpe (NSW 1870); 1 male, AM P.77601, east of Kangarutha Point, south of Tathra (36°44′56″S 149°59′04″E), 15.9 m, sediment under loose boulders in crevices between rocks, 2 April 2008, coll. S.J. Keable (MI NSW 3234).

Victoria: 1 male, dissected, 4 slides, 10 mm, NMV J46909, off Crib Point, Western Port (38°22″00′S 145°13″23′E), 3 m, (CPBS-S 11); many specimens, NMV J5 6891, off Crib Point, Western Port (38°22″00′S 145°13″23′E), 3 m, (CPBS-S 11).

Tasmania: 1 specimen, AM P.88455, Great Taylors Bay (43°24′S 147°09′E), depth unknown, 8 November 2008, coll. A. Davey.

South Australia: 2 specimens, SAMA C6488, Second Valley, Fleurieu Peninsula (35°30′35″S 138°12′54″E), 6 m, kelp dominated habitat, February 2002, coll. A. Hirst (SARDI Encounter 2002 Expedition); 6 specimens, SAMA C6499, Northern Reef, Home Bay, Reevesby Island, Sir Joseph Banks Group (34°31′59″S 136°16′00″E), depth unknown, 20 January 1986, coll. E. Spano; 7 specimens, SAMA C6601, Second Valley, Fleurieu Peninsula (35°30′35″S 138°12′54″E), depth unknown, kelp dominated habitat, February 2002, coll. A. Hirst (SARDI Encouter 2002 Expedition).

Type locality. Eighty-two km east northeast of North Point, Flinders Island, eastern Bass Strait, Tasmania, Australia (39°27.7´S 148°41.4´E).

Remarks. This is the first record of L. garitima north of Bass Strait.

Distribution. New South Wales: Smoky Cape (current study). Tasmania. Flinders Island; Great Taylors Bay (Krapp-Schickel 2003; current study). South Australia: Fleurieu Penninsula, Sir Joseph Banks Group (current study).


Published as part of Hughes, Lauren E., 2016, New genera, species and records of Maeridae from Australian Waters: Austromaera, Ceradocus, Glossomaera, Hamimaera, Huonella gen. nov., Linguimaera and Maeraceterus gen. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda), pp. 1-81 in Zootaxa 4115 (1) on pages 46-54, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4115.1.1,


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Additional details


Collection code
Event date
1962-06-20 , 1986-01-20 , 2002-02-13 , 2003-03-14 , 2008-04-02 , 2008-11-08
Material sample ID
NSW 1870 , NSW 3234
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
Verbatim event date
1962-06-20 , 1986-01-20 , 2002-02-13 , 2003-03-14 , 2008-04-02 , 2008-11-08
Taxonomic concept label
Linguimaera daveyi Hughes, 2016


  • Krapp-Schickel, T. (2008) What has happened with the Maera - clade (Crustacea, Amphipoda) during the last decades? Bolletino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, 32, 3 - 32.
  • Krapp-Schickel, T. (2003) Linguimaera Pirlot, 1936 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae), a valid genus. Memoirs of Museum Victoria, 60 (2), 257 - 283.