Published July 8, 2011
| Version v1
Taxonomic treatment
Banareia banareias
Banareia banareias (Rathbun, 1911)
Actaea banareias Rathbun, 1911: 223, pl. 18, figs. 7, 8 [type locality: Chagos Archipelago (central Indian Ocean); syntypes: UMZC].
Hawaiian Is. records:
Actaea banareias Rathbun, 1911 — Edmondson 1962a: 263, fig. 15a–c [O‘ahu]. — Coles, Reath, Longenecker, Bolick & Eldredge 2004: 142 [Kaua‘i].
Banareia banareias Rathbun, 1911 — Guinot 1976: 169, fig. 32D, E, pl. 8, figs. 1–5 [O‘ahu]. — Serène 1984: 44, fig. 13, pl. 3, fig. F [O‘ahu].
Remarks. The s pecies was listed as Actaea banarensis [sic] in McLaughlin et al. (2005).
Taxonomy. Guinot (1976), Serène (1984).
Geographical distribution. Across Indo-West Pacific region.
Habitat. Shallow subtidal to at least 5 m.
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- Journal article: 10.11646/zootaxa.2947.1.1 (DOI)
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- Rathbun, M. J. (1911) Marine Brachyura. The Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905, under the leadership of Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner, vol. 3, no. 11. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, ser. 2, 14 (2), 191 - 261, pls. 15 - 20.
- Edmondson, C. H. (1962 a) Xanthidae of Hawaii. Occasional Papers of Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 22 (13), 215 - 309.
- Coles, S. L., Reath, P. A., Longenecker, K., Bolick, H. & Eldredge, L. G. (2004) Assessment of nonindigenous marine species in harbors and on nearby coral reefs on Kaua'i, Moloka'i, Maui, and Hawai'i. Final report prepared for the Hawaii Community Foundation and the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Honolulu. Hawaii Biological Survey, 2004 - 018, 1 - 180.
- Guinot, D. (1976) La superfamille des Bellioidea et trois sous-familles de Xanthidae (Polydectinae Dana, Trichiinae de Haan, Actaeinae Alcock). Constitution de quelques groupes naturels chez les crustaces decapodes brachyoures, I. Memoires du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle (Paris), n. s., ser. A, 97, 1 - 308, pls. 1 - 19.
- Serene, R. (1984) Crustaces decapodes brachyoures de l'Ocean Indien Occidental et de la Mer Rouge. Xanthoidea: Xanthidae et Trapeziidae. Addendum: Carpillidae et Menippidae par A. Crosnier. Faune Tropicale (ORSTOM), 24, 1 - 400, pls. 1 - 48.
- McLaughlin, P. A., Camp, D. K., Angel, M. V., Bousfield, E. L., Brunel, P., Brusca, R. C., Cadien, D., Cohen, A. C., Conlan, K., Eldredge, L. G., Felder, D. L., Goy, J. W., Haney, T., Hann, B., Heard, R. W., Hendrycks, E. A., Hobbs, H. H., Holsinger, J. R., Kensley, B., Laubitz, D. R., LeCroy, S. E., Lemaitre, R., Maddocks, R. F., Martin, J. W., Nikkelsen, P., Nelson, E., Newman, W. A., Overstreet, R. M., Poly, W. J., Price, W. W., Reid, J. W., Robertson, A., Rogers, D. C., Ross, A., Schotte, M., Schram, F. R., Shih, C. - T., Watling, L., Wilson, G. D. F. & Turgeon, D. D. (2005) Common and Scientific Names of Aquatic Invertebrates from the United States and Canada: Crustaceans. American Fisheries Society, Special Publication, 31, xiii + 545 pp., Bethesda, Maryland.