Published December 30, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Andrena tiaretta Kratochwil, 2015, s.str.


Andrena tiaretta s.str. (Spain, Morocco, Algeria)

C o l o u r Head (Fig. 4a): black integument (one specimen from Algeria with brown coloured integument); scapus black/brown; flagellomeres 1 and 2 as a rule darker than flagellomeres 3-10, flagellomeres (1, 2) 3-10: upper side brown, lower side light brown (one specimen from Algeria light brown flagellomeres); mandible black with a reddish tip. Mesosoma (Fig. 4b): black; femur, tibia and basitarsus black (dark brown) (Fig. 7a) (two specimens from Algeria brown to reddish-brown); mediotarsi pars parte reddishbrown (two specimens from Algeria reddish-brown); wings light toned, veins in most cases reddish-brown (Fig. 1a) (two specimens from Algeria yellowish), differing to DARDÓN et al. (2014): ‘pale brown’; pterostigma reddish-brown marginated, in the centre reddish or reddish-yellowish (Fig. 1a) (two specimens from Algeria yellowish). Metasoma (Fig. 7b): T1-4 black, with black to dark reddish-brown depression zone (one specimen from Algeria with reddish brown depression zone); T5 translucent, reddishbrown.

P u b e s c e n c e Head (Fig. 4a): frontview: paraocular area with whitish-yellowish hairs from malar area, overtopping line of antennal socket, hair length different; sideview: paraocular area with whitish-yellowish hairs, no brownish hairs between antennal socket and fovea facialis (differing to DARDÓN et al. 2014: ‘In some paratypes, scarce brown hairs are present…’); clypeus with whitish-yellowish hairs, but not with dark hairs; scapus with dorsal longer, ventral shorter whitish-yellowish hairs; genal area with whitish, in two cases (two specimens from Algeria) with whitish-yellowish hairs, upper zone of genal area with brownish hairs; facial fovea with velvety appearance of whitish iridescent pubescence, upper zone with reddish-brown hairs (one specimen from Spain, one from Morocco with whitish-reddish-brown hairs); vertex with some long whitishyellowish and slightly reddish hairs. Mesosoma (Fig. 4b): mesoscutum and scutellum with only some shorter whitish-yellowish hairs, with yellowish-reddish hairs laterally; mesepisternum with longer whitish-yellowish hairs; propodeal corbicula with some whitish hairs, some hairs in the centre; trochanteral and femoral flocculus well developed with whitish hairs; tibial scopa with whitish hairs dorsal and ventral, and in the rule some reddish hairs dorsobasal (Fig. 7a); Metasoma (Fig. 7b): T2 and T3 (T4) with lateral fragmentary hair bands; T4 hair rows between tergite and tergite depression; T5: yellowish(-reddish) in the center, yellowish-white marginally; T6: reddish-brown hairs (one specimen from Morocco with reddish hairs).

S t r u c t u r e.Head (Fig. 4a): vertex surface structure with granulate punctures (rough microsculpture); face above antennal fossae (frons) with longitudinal rugulae well developed, interrugal space shiny and impunctate; inner eye margin converging weakly; clypeus more or less convex with central area flattened, slightly hammer-blow-like microsculpture, not really dull but slightly shiny, chagreened at the base, without or with fragmented impunctate median line, clearly punctured (basal area: 14 µm, apical area: [14] 28 µm), punctures more or less scattered in the centre (according to WARNCKE 1974: ‘totally chagreened, dull, punctures uniformly distributed’; according to DARDÓN et al. 2014: ‘dull microsculpture, without obvious punctures’), labrum process trapezoidliguliform; genal area with a distinct microsculpture with striated structures (small longitudinal rugulae) in the apical half; facial fovea narrowed at its lower zone, the top two times wider than the lower zone. Mesosoma (Fig. 4b): pronotum with transverse shagreened microsculpture; mesoscutum hammer-blow-like microsculpture, not really dull but rather shiny, distinctly punctured (PD = 0.14-0.28 μm), interspaces between punctures predominantly two or three puncture diameters, in front chagreened (according to WARNCKE 1974: ‘totally chagreened, dull, finely punctured’; according to DARDÓN et al. 2014: ‘dull microsculpture, shallow punctures’), with developed parapsidal lines; scutellum similar to scutum but not chagreened in front; metanotum rough microsculpture, laterally with punctures (according to DARDÓN et al. 2014: ‘unpunctured’); propodeum: clearly granular and rugose structure, in the centre and in the dorsolateral area, long basal lamina, no lateral boundary line. Mesepisternum with a shiny microsculpture. Metasoma (Fig. 7b): hammer-blow-like microstructure, not really dull but rather shiny (according to DARDÓN et al. 2014: ‘dull microstructure’), T1 with very scarcely distributed flattened punctures (according to DARDÓN et al. 2014: ‘unpunctured’), T2-T4 clearly but very scattered punctured, punctures especially lateral, punctures not only restricted to the side in contrast to the description of DARDÓN et al. (2014) (PD = 0.14- 0.28 μm), posterior depression of (T1) T2 not well marked (but in specimens of Spain much more developed), posterior depression of T3-T4 marked well. The depression grade of the tergites differs between T2, T3 and T4 (range 0.39 to 0.47 times the length of the terga (DARDÓN et al. 2014: 0.4 times). The depression zones are not clearly punctured.


Published as part of Kratochwil, Anselm, 2015, Revision of the Andrena (Micrandrena) tiaretta group: redescription of A. tiaretta WARNCKE, 1974 and description of two new species (A. cyrenaica nov. sp. and A. orientalis nov. sp.) demarcating the central and eastern part of the range (Libya, Israel, Syria), pp. 1403-1437 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (2) on pages 1410-1411, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5282333


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Collection code
Material sample ID
T1-4 , T2, T3, T4 , T4 , T5 , T6
Scientific name authorship
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Taxonomic concept label
Andrena tiaretta Kratochwil, 2015


  • DARDON M. J., TORRES F. & C. ORNOSA (2014): The subgenus Andrena (Micrandrena) (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) in the Iberian Peninsula. - Zootaxa 3872 (5): 467 - 497.
  • WARNCKE K. (1974): Beitrag zur Kenntnis und Verbreitung der Sandbienen in Nordafrika (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Andrena). - Mitt. Mus. Berlin 50 (1): 3 - 53.