Cladius pectinicornis
Cladius pectinicornis (GEOFFROY, 1785)
Vo.: 3 Deutsch.Altenburg, Steinbruch, 12. V.(19)73, in NHMW, det. W. Schedl 1990; 1 Austria inf., Hundsheimer Berg, Trockenrasen, Kätscher, 17.8.(19)77, leg. W. Waitzbauer, in coll. NHMW, det. W. Schedl 1989; 1 Austria inferior, Hundsheimer Berg, 1989/07/20, leg. H. Zettel, in coll. NHMW, det. W. Schedl 1990; 1 NÖ, Hundsheimer Berge, 30.5.(19)97, leg. T. Kopf, in coll. et det. W. Schedl 1997; 2 A. inf., Hainburg, Hundsheimer Berg, 23.5.2000, bzw. 1 ebendort, 11.7.2008, leg. et in coll. H. Zettel, det. W. Schedl 2009; 1 A. inf., S Hainburg, Hundsheimer Berg, 26.6.2004, leg. et in coll. H. Zettel, det. W. Schedl 2006; 1 A. inf., S Hainburg, Hundsheimer Berg, 29.8.2004, leg. et in coll. H. Zettel et F. Seyfert, det. W. Schedl 2006; 1 AU. Niederösterreich, Hundsheimer Berg, xerothermer Hang, 2.IX.(!)2006, (leg.) E. Heiss, in coll. et det. W. Schedl 2007.
B e m e r k u n g: einerelativhäufigeArtmitLarvenanBlätternvon Rosa spp.
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- Is part of
- Journal article: 10.5281/zenodo.5281857 (DOI)
- Journal article: (URL)
- Is source of
- (URL)
- Collection code
- NHMW , T , V, NHMW
- Event date
- 1989-07-20 , 2000-05-23 , 2004-06-26 , 2004-08-29
- Family
- Tenthredinidae
- Genus
- Cladius
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hymenoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Species
- pectinicornis
- Taxon rank
- species
- Verbatim event date
- 1989-07-20 , 2000-05-23/2008-11-07 , 2004-06-26 , 2004-08-29
- Taxonomic concept label
- Cladius pectinicornis (GEOFFROY, 1785) sec. Schedl, 2016