Published April 29, 2011
| Version v1
FIGURE 18 in Serpulidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Suez Canal- From a Lessepsian Migration Perspective (a Monograph) 2848
FIGURE 18. Protula cf. palliata from the Little Bitter Lake. Chaetae and uncini (HUJ-Poly-1569, 1570, 4427, 4429, sample SBE1). A—Thoracic uncinus, saw-to-rasp-shaped (spec. 1569) with ca. 19 teeth in profile view (P+19), length 39 µm from apex to tip of peg, B—Abdominal uncinus from mid-body saw-to-rasp-shaped (spec. 4429) with ca. 24 rows of teeth in profile view, length 45.9 µm (pegs of additional uncini displaced when squashing the preparation seen in bottom left and right; left of arrow, part of uncinus inserted in the body wall, C, D—Frontal (edge) view of abdominal uncini "cut" from SEM micrographs of the tori, C—Spec. 4427, abdominal uncinus, with apex partially turned to the side, with ca. 24 teeth in profile view; from the apex, 18 teeth in single row, followed by ca. 2 rows with 2 teeth, then 2 rows of 3 teeth, and 2 rows of 4 teeth, arrow demarcates saw-part of the uncinus from rasp-shaped part; length, ~34 µm (magnification 6 K), D—Spec. 1570, dorsal-most uncinus with 24 teeth in profile view; from the apex, ca. 18 teeth in single file, followed by 2 rows of two teeth, then 2 row of 3 teeth and 2 rows of 4 finer teeth proximal to the bilobed, rounded peg; (arrow demarcates saw-part of the uncinus from rasp-shaped part); length ~28 µm (magnification 9 k), E—Spec. 1570, SEM micrograph of part of the torus, magnification 9 k; location of "D" in torus marked by arrow (another SEM of this torus, presumably most of the torus, magnified only 3 k, numbered at least 65 abdominal uncini); note that dorsal-most uncini are longer than the ventral uncini; 6th more ventral uncinus measures 21 µm, F—Spec. 1569, thoracic chaetae limbate (bordered) capillary chaetae only, Apomatus chaetae not observed, G–J—Abdominal chaetae from different specimens belonging to the same sample: G—Rather sickle-shaped with a somewhat prominent "heel" (spec. 4429), H— Somewhat concave proximally, less sickle-shaped than G (spec. 1569), I—Somewhat geniculate (spec. 4427), J– Both chaetae somewhat geniculate but also somewhat concave (spec. 4427 [1819]), K—Thoracic uncinus of Mediterranean Protula tubularia (Banyuls, France, ZMA.V.Pol. 3816), 1st torus (adapted from ten Hove & Kupriyanova, 2009, fig. 39c); from apex, 16–15 angled double rows of teeth, followed by ca. 3 rows of 3; 1 row of 4, 3 rows of 5, reaching ca. 7– 8 teeth in rows above bilobed peg, length of uncinus ~49.6 µm; arrow demarcates posterior-part of the uncinus from rasp-shaped part with more teeth in row, L—Anterior abdominal uncinus of Protula tubularia from same population as K, as in thoracic uncini the distal part comprises double row, ca 16 angled rows; proximal part, demarcated by arrow, comprises 9 rows with numbers of teeth increasing from 3 to ca. 7, ~27.3 µm (Table 2). For Suez Canal specimen codes, see Protula section, Hebrew University-Smithsonian Expeditions, sample SBE1).
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