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Published July 8, 2011 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Pristaulacus asiaticus Turrisi & Smith 2011, sp. nov.


Pristaulacus asiaticus Turrisi & Smith, sp. nov.

(Figs 3–9)

Type material. CHINA: holotype ♂, “ China: W. Hupeh Prov., Lichuan District, Hsiao-Ho/ 10 August 1948, Gressit & Djou, Calif. Acad. Sciences/ Pristaulacus asiaticus Turrisi & Smith sp. nov. ♂, 2009, Holotypus ” (CAS).

Etymology. The name is from Asia, a noun in apposition.

Description. MALE (holotype). Length: 17.8 mm; fore wing length: 12.0 mm.

Colour black except: distal half of mandible dark red; maxillo-labial complex dark brown; antenna with A1 dark reddish brown on ventral surface; legs mainly dark brown with fore and mid tibiae and tarsi reddish orange, and hind tarsus brown; fore wing infuscate, strongly infuscate on basal third and largely below stigma; hind wing slightly infuscate; metasoma with sides of T1 and S1 lighter. Setae: light brown to brown on head, and mesosoma, whitish to gold on most frons and clypeus; goldish on mandible; whitish on metasoma.

Head, from above, 1.2 × wider than long, moderately shiny; occipital margin moderately deep and widely grooved medially; temple, from above, well developed, rounded, longer than eye length; occipital carina narrow, 0.3–0.4 × diameter of an ocellus, very narrow along medial groove (0.1–0.2 × diameter of an ocellus); POL:OOL= 1.3; ocellar area 2.3 × wider than long; vertex and temple irregularly punctate, with coarse, deep and dense punctures (distance between punctures 1.0–2.0 × puncture diameters); frons with very coarse, deep and dense punctures (distance between punctures 0.5–1.0 × puncture diameters); clypeus with coarse, superficial and dense punctures; malar area coarsely punctate-striolate; occipital area with fine, superficial and scattered punctures; (antenna partly missing, except A1–A5); A3 3.1 × longer than wide; A4 4.4 × longer than wide, and 1.6 × longer than A3; A5 4.2 × longer than wide, and 1.5 × longer than A3. Setae: erect, long and scattered on vertex; erect, long and dense on temple (length of setae 1.0–1.1 × diameter of an ocellus); erect, long and dense on upper frons; recumbent, long and dense on lower frons and clypeus; recumbent, short and scattered on malar area.

Mesosoma coarsely sculptured; pronotum mostly areolate-rugose, foveolate-punctate above lateroventral margin, with two well-developed anterior and posterior tooth-like processes on each lateroventral margin; propleuron polished and shiny with coarse, deep and dense punctures on dorsal surface, fine to coarse, deep and dense on ventral surface (distance between punctures mostly 2.0 × puncture diameters); prescutum triangular, wide, long, mostly grooved (except wide base), confuse-carinulate; mesoscutum areolate-rugose; dorsally convex and well prominent; anterior margin slightly prominent, obtusely angulate (lateral view); notauli deep and wide; scutellum areolate-rugose; mesopleuron areolate-rugose, except subalar area, polished with coarse, deep and dense punctures; metanotum longitudinally carinate, except middle, areolate-rugose; propodeum coarsely areolate-rugose, except anterior margin longitudinally carinate; ventral mesosoma polished and punctate, transverse-carinate medially; fore wing with vein 2-rs+m short; coxa I polished and shiny, with very fine, superficial and scattered punctures; coxa II transverse-carinate on dorsal surface, polished to transverse carinulate and punctate on ventral surface; coxa III transverse-carinate on dorsal surface, polished and punctate on ventral surface, punctures coarse, deep and dense (distance between punctures 1.5 × puncture diameters); outer spur of mid tibia slightly longer than inner spur; spurs of hind tibia subequal in length; hind basitarsus 9.5 × longer than wide, and equal length of tarsomeres 2–5; tarsal claw with six tooth-like processes. Setae: erect to semi erect, short, and dense on dorsal surface; erect to semi erect, long and dense on pronotum sides; mostly recumbent, short and dense on sides and venter of mesosoma; erect, long, and dense on hind surface of propodeum; erect, long and dense on propleuron (setae length 0.8–0.9 × pretarsus length).

Metasoma pyriform (lateral view), compressed laterally; petiole elongate, slender, 2.5 × longer than wide; segments 1 and 2 mostly polished and shiny except sides and hind half of T2 with fine, superficial and dense punctures; remaining segments with fine, superficial and dense punctures. Setae: segment 1, base of T2 and S2 glabrous; recumbent, long and scattered to dense on most of T2; recumbent, long and dense on remaining tergites; semi erect, shorter and dense on sternites.

FEMALE unknown.

Distribution. China (Hubei), known only from type locality (Fig. 186).

Biology. Unknown.


Published as part of Turrisi, Giuseppe Fabrizio & Smith, David R., 2011, Systematic revision and phylogeny of the endemic southeastern Asian Pristaulacus comptipennis species group (Hymenoptera: Aulacidae) 2959, pp. 1-72 in Zootaxa 2959 (1) on pages 10-12, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.2959.1.1,


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Collection code
Event date
Scientific name authorship
Turrisi & Smith
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Pristaulacus asiaticus Turrisi & Smith, 2011