Published December 30, 2015
| Version v1
Journal article
Revision of the Andrena (Micrandrena) tiaretta group: redescription of A. tiaretta WARNCKE, 1974 and description of two new species (A. cyrenaica nov.sp. and A. orientalis nov.sp.) demarcating the central and eastern part of the range (Libya, Israel, Syria)
Kratochwil, Anselm (2015): Revision of the Andrena (Micrandrena) tiaretta group: redescription of A. tiaretta WARNCKE, 1974 and description of two new species (A. cyrenaica nov.sp. and A. orientalis nov.sp.) demarcating the central and eastern part of the range (Libya, Israel, Syria). Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (2): 1403-1437, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5282333
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