Exogone Orsted 1845
Genus Exogone Ørsted, 1845
Type species. Exogone naidina Ørsted, 1845.
Diagnosis. Body short, slender. Palps well developed, completely or almost completely fused. Prostomium with 2 pairs of eyes, sometimes also with 1 pair of anterior eyespots, and 3 antennae. Peristomium with 1 pair of short, papilliform or ovate peristomial cirri. Compound chaetae as falcigers and, frequently, spiniger-like chaetae; falciger blades usually bidentate, subdistal tooth larger, blades partially fused to shafts or absent in some species; shafts of spiniger-like chaetae with triangular processes in some species. Dorsal simple chaetae present from anterior chaetigers, ventral simple chaetae usually only on posterior chaetigers. Aciculae commonly inflated distally, frequently hollow, with slightly curved tip. Pygidium with 1 pair of anal cirri, usually longer than dorsal cirri. Reproduction by epigamy, with ventral incubation of eggs and embryos.
Remarks. The genus Exogone was revised by San Martín (1991) who established 3 sub-genera: Parexogone Mesnil & Caullery, 1918, Exogone Ørsted, 1845 and Sylline Claparède, 1864. Böggemann & Westheide (2004) raised Parexogone to the generic level, and recent studies on the Syllidae have abandoned the subgenera classification, considering Exogone as monophyletic and not recognizing E. (Exogone) and E. (Sylline) as separate subgenera (Aguado & San Martín 2009; Aguado et al. 2012, Paresque et al. 2014). This classification is followed herein.
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Additional details
- Family
- Syllidae
- Genus
- Exogone
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Phyllodocida
- Phylum
- Annelida
- Scientific name authorship
- Orsted
- Taxon rank
- genus
- Taxonomic concept label
- Exogone Orsted, 1845 sec. Barroso, Paiva, Nogueira & Fukuda, 2017
- Orsted, A. S. (1845) Ueber die Entwicklung der Jungen bei einer Annelide und uber die ausseren Unterschiede zwischen beiden Geschlechtern. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 11 (1), 20 - 23.
- San Martin, G. (1991) Grubeosyllis and Exogone (Exogoninae, Syllidae, Polychaeta) from Cuba, the Gulf of Mexico, Florida and Puerto Rico, with a revision of Exogone. Bulletin of Marine Science, 49 (3), 715 - 740.
- Mesnil, F. & Caullery, M. (1918) Sur l'organisation et la biologie d'un Syllidien [Exogone (Parexogone, n. s. g.) hebes Webst. et Ben. var. hibernica South.] habitant un sable compact. Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France, 42 (Volume for 1917), 126 - 132.
- Claparede, E. (1864) Glanures zootomiques parmi les annelides de Port-Vendres (Pyrenees Orientales). Memoires de la Societe de Physique d´Histoire Naturelle de Geneve, 17 (2), 463 - 600.
- Boggemann, M. & Westheide, W. (2004) Interstitial Syllidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from Mahe (Seychelles). Journal of Natural History, 38 (4), 403 - 446.
- Aguado, M. T., San Martin, G. & Siddall, M. E. (2012) Systematics and evolution of syllids (Annelida, Syllidae). Cladistics, 28, 234 - 250.
- Paresque, K., Fukuda, M. V. & Nogueira, J. M. M. (2014) The genus Exogone (Polychaeta: Syllidae) from the Brazilian coast, with the description of a new species. Zootaxa, 3790 (4), 501 - 533.