Published December 31, 2011 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Cheylostigmaeus urhani Dönel & Doğan, 2011, sp. nov.


Cheylostigmaeus urhani sp. nov.

Female (Figure 2) Length of body 475 (460–495), width 300 (290–315).

Dorsum. Prodorsal shield with four pairs of setae (vi, ve, sci and sce) and a pair of eyes. Hysterosomal shield with six pairs of setae (c 1, d 1, d 2, e 1, e 2, f 1) and suranal shield with two pairs of setae (h 1 and h 2). Dorsal shields with oval dimples, definable laterally. Dorsal setae with minute spinules and a hyaline sheath distally. Dimensions of setae as follows: vi 90 (80–105); ve 112 (100–127); sci 77 (65–97); sce 110 (105–125); c 1 97 (83–105); c 2 100 (90– 110); d 1 91 (85–97); d 2 87 (80–93); e 1 95 (87–105); e 2 90 (85–95); f 1 120 (122–137); h 1 65 (60–73); h 2 45 (40–58). Distances between setae: vi - vi 55 (47–67); ve-ve 105 (93–110); vi-ve 43 (40–57); sci-sci 173 (165–190); ve-sci 75 (63–93); sce-sce 210 (205–227); sci-sce 50 (43–57); c 1 -c 1 97 (95–100); c 1 -d 1 100 (93–107); d 1 -d 1 123 (120–127); c 1 -d 2 63 (55–70); d 2 -d 2 233 (225–237); d 1 -d 2 90 (87–97); e 2 -e 2 190 (185–193); e 1 -e 1 125 (123–130); e 1 -e 2 57 (53–63); f 1 -f 1 93 (90–97); e 1 -f 1 80 (77–95); e 2 -f 1 115 (110–127); h 1 -h 1 67 (53–70); h 2 -h 2 115 (105–120); h 1 -h 2 43 (35–50).

Venter. Humeral shields situated laterally between coxae II and III, bearing setae c 2, similar to other dorsal body setae. Coxisternal shields divided, bearing three pairs of setae (1a, 3a and 4a). Ventral cuticle transversely striated between coxae II–III, coxae I–II and III–IV surrounded by longitudinal striae. Aggenital and anogenital shields each bearing three pairs of setae (ag 1-3 and ps 1-3). Dimensions of setae as follows: ag 1= ag 3 23 (20–25); ag 2 27 (23–30); ps 1 35 (30–38), ps 2 27 (23–30) and ps 3 30 (27–33); ps 1 thicker than other anogenital setae. All ventral shields reticulated and faintly punctated.

Legs. Leg I 360 (350–370), leg II 297 (290–300), leg III 267 (260–275), leg IV 347 (335–357). Chaetotaxy of leg segments as follows: coxae 2–2–2–2, trochanters 1–1–2–1, femora 6–5–3–2, genua 4(κ)–4(κ)–1–1, tibiae 7(ϕ,ϕρ)–6(ϕρ)–6(ϕρ)–6(ϕρ), tarsi 14(ω)–10(ω)–8(ω)–8(ω). Genua I and II with solenidion κ. All tarsi with solenidion ω.

Gnathosoma. Chelicera 175 (165–190), palp 195 (187–200). Subcapitulum with two pairs of adoral setae (ro 1,2) distally and two pairs of subcapitular setae (m, n) proximally. Palp setal formula (from trochanter to tarsi): 0–3–2– 2+1 claw+ 1 accessory claw–5+1ω+ 1 tridentate eupathidium. Dimension of setae: m 48 (43–53); n 40 (35–48); distances between setae: m-m 40 (35–50); m-n 30 (25–35); n-n 48 (30–55).

Holotype. Male (Figures 3, 4) Length of body 395 (365–400), width 255 (200–260).

Dorsum. Oval dimples on dorsum. Prodorsal shield with four pairs of setae and a pair of eyes. Hysterosomal shield with six pairs of setae and suranal shield with two pairs of setae. Dorsal setae with minute spinules and a hyaline sheath distally except for setae h 1. Dimensions of setae as follows: vi 50 (45–55); ve 67 (50–70); sci 35 (30–40); sce 57 (50–60); c 1 50 (48–60); c 2 40 (37–45); d 1 45 (40–45); d 2 65 (60–73); e 1 57 (50–65); e 2 60 (57–65); f 1 105 (95–110); h 1 25 (20–30); h 2 60 (55–65). Distances between setae: vi-vi 55 (47–65); ve-ve 95 (75–105); vi-ve 53 (47–60); sci-sci 145 (135–158); ve-sci 35 (30–40); sce-sce 155 (140–160); sci-sce 30 (25–33); c 1 -c 1 85 (75–93); c 1 -d 1 77 (63–87); d 1 -d 1 95 (85–110); d 2 -d 2 171 (157–193); d 1 -d 2 67 (50–77); e 2 -e 2 150 (143–157); d 1 -e 1 67 (55–83); e 1 -e 1 93 (87–107); f 1 -f 1 87 (78–90); e 1 -f 1 50 (35–53); e 2 -f 1 93 (80–103); h 1 -h 1 35 (27–40); h 2 -h 2 75 (63–87); h 1 -h 2 35 (30–43).

Venter. Coxisternal shields divided, reticulated and faintly punctated, bearing three pairs of setae. Aggenital shield bearing three pairs of setae. Dimensions of aggenital setae as follows: ag 1 23 (15–25); ag 2= ag 3 20 (18–27). Anogenital covers bearing three pairs of setae. Setae ps 3 is simple, ps 2 and ps 1 strong and spine-like situated on an elongated process. Aedeagus 100 (80–105), calyx cup-shaped, bulb capacious, enwraps thickened midsection of aedeagus. Two pairs of accessory copulatory appendages present: unciform appendages long, divergent posteriorly; forcipiform appendages short and spatulate, extending inside of unciform appendages.

Legs. Leg I 283 (255–297), leg II 193 (177–200), leg III 173 (163–185), leg IV 227 (200–220). Chaetotaxy of leg segments as follows: coxae 2–2–2–2, trochanters 1–1–2–1, femora 6–5–3–2, genua 4(κ)–4(κ)–1–1, tibiae 7(ϕ,ϕρ)–6(ϕρ)–6(ϕρ)–6(ϕρ), tarsi 15(ω,ω3)–11(ω,ω3)–9(ω,ω3)–9(ω,ω3).

Gnathosoma. Chelicera 130 (125–143), palp 144 (135–158). Palp setal formula (from trochanter to tarsi): 0–3– 2–2+1 claw+ 1 accessory claw–5+1ω+ 1 tridentate eupathidium. Palp femur with apophyses. Subcapitulum with two pairs of adoral setae distally and two pairs of subcapitular setae proximally. Setae m located on one pair of bicuspidate lamella. Dimension of setae: m 23 (18–27), n 25 (23–30); distances between setae: m-m 30 (23–37), m- n 23 (20–25), n-n 25 (20–27).

Etymology. This species is named in honour of Prof. Dr. Raşit Urhan (Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey) for his great and valuable contributions to Acarology in Turkey.

Type materials. Holotype 3, 4 33 paratypes and 3 ƤƤ paratypes from grassy soil, 40°16'23'' N, 39°37'51'' E, 1758 m, Köse Mountain, 14 VII 2009; ZMAU.

Remarks. This new species closely resembles Cheylostigmaeus pannonicus Willmann by setae m located on one pair of bicuspidate lamellae. However, it differs from the latter by: ratio sce: sci = 1.4 [sce 110 (105–125), sci 77 (65–97)] in female of the new species versus 1.1 (sce 75+4, sci 67+4) in the U.S.A. specimens (Summers & Ehara 1965); the distance of e 1- e 1 [125 (123–130)] is subequal that of d 1- d 1 [123 (120–127)] in female of the new species but d 1- d 1 (122+11) is longer than that of e 1- e 1 (110+7) in the U.S.A. specimens (Summers & Ehara 1965); the lateral rostral lamellae of both original and redescribed males of C. pannonicus are much larger than those in the new species (Willmann 1951; Summers & Ehara 1965); in all specimens of C. pannonicus apophyses on the palp femur are absent (Willmann 1951; Summers 1957a; Summers & Ehara 1965) whereas the new species has apophyses on the palp femur.


Published as part of Dönel, Güldem & Doğan, Salih, 2011, The stigmaeid mites (Acari: Stigmaeidae) of Kelkit Valley (Turkey), pp. 1-56 in Zootaxa 2942 on pages 4-8, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.201260


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sp. nov.
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Taxonomic concept label
Cheylostigmaeus urhani Dönel & Doğan, 2011


  • Summers, F. M. & Ehara, S. (1965) Revaluation of the taxonomic characters in four species of the genus Cheylostigmaeus Willmann (Acarina: Stigmaeidae). Acarologia, 7, 49 - 62.
  • Willmann, C. (1951) Untersuchungen uber die terrestrische Milbenfauna im pannonischen Klimagebiet Osterreichs. Stizungsberichte der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Vienna, Mathematisch e Naturwissenschafiliche Klasse, Abtheilung I 160, 91 - 176.
  • Summers, F. M. (1957 a) Two mites of the genus Cheylostigmaeus, including a new species from Point Barrow, Alaska. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 33 (4), 163 - 169.