Published November 2, 2012 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Corynoneura edwardsi Brundin


Corynoneura edwardsi Brundin

(Figs 13 A–D)

Corynoneura edwardsi Brundin, 1949: 698; Hirvenoja & Hirvenoja 1988: 217; Sasa 1997: 49; Schlee 1968: 31; Bolton 2007: 27; Fu et al. 2009: 9.

Material examined. USA: Ohio, Summit County, Long Lake on Nymphaea, 1 male, 1 female, 2 larval and 2 pupal exuviae, 25.x.1986, M.J. Bolton (MJB).

Diagnostic characters. The male fits well the redescription by Hirvenoja & Hirvenoja (1988: 217). The female has AR 0.62, hind tibia without S-shaped spur, 4 setae on gonocoxite IX, 4 on tergite IX and coxosternapodeme with 8–9 lateral lamellae. The pupa is 1.6–1.8 mm long, has no taeniate L-setae on tergite I and only one on tergite II, and 46–49 taeniae in fringe of anal lobe; tergites III–VII with thick hooklets. The larvae are separable by AR 1.17–1.20, mentum with three median teeth, the central tooth smaller than the lateral median one; the first lateral teeth as large as adjacent tooth; and weakly sculptured head capsule.

Female (n = 1)

Total length 2.10 mm. Wing length 1.04 mm. Total length/wing length 2.0. Wing length/profemur length 3.8.

Coloration. Head brown. Thorax brown, medially yellowish. Antenna and legs yellowish, abdomen yellowish brown.

Head. AR 0.62. Length of flagellomeres (in µm): 40, 35, 3, 33, 82. Ultimate flagellomere with many preapical sensilla chaetica. Clypeus with 10 setae. Palpomere lengths (in µm): 19, 22, 28, 39, 62. Palpomere 5/3 ratio 2.2.

Thorax. Dorsocentrals 5, prealars 2. Scutellum with 2 setae.

Wing (Fig. 13 A). Wing broader than in male. VR 2.6, two anal veins present, Cu 600 µm long, Cu/wing length 0.58, C 489 µm long, C/wing length 0.47, wing width/wing length 0.39. Costa with 13 setae.

Legs. Fore trochanter with keel. Spurs of fore tibia 14 µm long, of mid tibia 11 and 10 µm long, of hind tibia 47 and 14 µm long. Width at apex of fore tibia 23 µm wide, of mid tibia 22 µm, of hind tibia (a) 39 µm. Width of hind tibia 1 / 3 from apex (d) 19 µm, elongation length (b) 35 µm, length of maximum thickening (c 1) 83 µm, total length of thickening (c 2) 124 µm, a/d 2.1, b/d 1.8, c 1 /d 4.4, c 2 /d 6.5. Apex of hind tibia expanded, with comb of 14 setae, without S-shaped spur. Lengths and proportions of legs as in Table 11.

Abdomen. Number of setae on tergites II–VIII as: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.

Genitalia (Figs 13 B–C). Tergite IX with 4 long caudal setae. Cercus 36 µm long, 30 µm wide. Notum length 101 µm. Gonocoxite with 4 long setae. Coxosternapodeme with 8–9 transparent fused lateral lamellae on inner side of coxosternapodeme. Seminal capsule 101 µm long; neck 12 µm long, 10 µm wide.

Pupa (n = 1–2)

Total length 2.31–2.40 mm. Exuviae yellowish brown, abdomen yellowish.

Cephalothorax. Frontal setae 20–25 µm long. Median antepronotals 20–22 µm and 28–30 µm long. Lateral antepronotals 15–18 µm and 18–20 µm long. Anterior precorneal seta (PcS 1) 20–26 µm long, PcS 2 16–20 µm long, PcS 3 16–20 µm long. PcS 1–3 almost in a line, PcS 1 6–8 µm from PcS 2, PcS 2 6–9 µm from PcS 3, PcS 1 16–18 µm from PcS 3, PcS 3 40–45 µm from thoracic horn. Dorsocentrals Dc 1 – 4 not clear. Wing sheath with 7 rows of pearls.

Abdomen (Figs 13 D). Shagreen and chaetotaxy as illustrated. No taeniate L-setae on tergite I. Anal lobe 91–94 µm long. Anal lobe fringe with 46–49 setae, 360–380 µm long. Three taeniate anal macrosetae 172–180 µm long; median setae shorter than anal macrosetae, about 101–120 µm long.

Larva (n = 1–2)

Coloration. Head brown. Antenna with basal segment yellowish, other segments yellowish brown. Abdomen yellowish.

Head. Capsule length 320–322 µm, width 220–224 µm, weakly sculptured. Postmentum 272–275 µm long. SII obvious, rising from small tubercle, SI and SIII not visible. Premandible 40–44 µm long. Mandible 61 µm long. AR 1.17–1.20. Length of flagellomeres I–IV (in µm): 168, 75, 89, 6. Basal segment width 19–21µm, length of blade at apex of basal segment 28–30 µm. Length of antenna/length of head 0.98.

Abdomen. Length of anal setae 272 µm. Procercus 14 µm long, 17 µm wide. Subbasal seta of posterior parapods 48 µm long.


Published as part of Fu, Yue & Saether, Ole A., 2012, 3536, pp. 1-61 in Zootaxa 3536 on pages 27-29


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  • Brundin, L. (1949) Chironomiden und andere Bodentiere der sudschwedischen Urgebirgsseen. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der bodenfaunistischen Charakterzuge schwedischer oligotropher Seen. Report Institute of Freshwater Research Drottningholm, 30, 1 - 914.
  • Hirvenoja, M. & Hirvenoja, E. (1988) Corynoneura brundini spec. nov. Ein Beitrag zur Systematik der Gattung Corynoneura (Diptera, Chironomidae). Spixiana, Supplement, 14, 213 - 238.
  • Sasa, M. (1997) Part 1. Studies on the chironomids collected throughout the year in the Shofuku Garden, near the mouth of Kurobe River, Toyama. Bull e tin of Toyama Prefectural Environmental Science Research Centre, 1997, 14 - 69.
  • Schlee, D. (1968) Vergleichende Merkmalsanalyse zur Morphologie und Phylogenie der Corynoneura- Gruppe (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zugleich eine allgemeine Morphologie der Chironomiden-Imago (♂). Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde, 180, 1 - 150.
  • Bolton, M. (2007) Ohio EPA Supplemental keys to the larval Chironominae (Diptera) of Ohio and Ohio Chironomidae checklist. Unpublished report from Ohio EPA. http: // www. epa. state. oh. us / portals / 35 / documents / MidgeLarvaeKeyJune 2007. pdf
  • Fu, Y., Saether, O. A. & Wang, X. (2009) Corynoneura Winnertz from East Asia, with a systematic review of the genus (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae). Zootaxa, 2287, 1 - 44.