Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Rhyacodrilus stephensoni Cernosvitov 1942


16. Rhyacodrilus stephensoni Černosvitov, 1942

(Figure 6)

Rhyacodrilus stephensoni Černosvitov, 1942: 284 –285, Liang & Xie 1992: 196 –197.

Material. 1 spm, whole-mounted in Canada balsam, from ST59, 4 specimens in 10% formalin from ST59 and ST61.

Description. Length 7.8 mm, width in X 0.37 mm, 35 segments. Coelomocytes abundant. Prostomium cylindrical. Pharynx in III–IV. No hairs. Chaetae bifid, distal tooth shorter or equal to proximal, nodulus distal. Chaetae (Fig. 6 B) of anterior segments 3–4 per bundle, posteriorly 2–4 (3) per bundle. Vas deferens (Fig. 6 C, vd) short, 22.5 Μm in diameter, wall 7.5 Μm thin, attached to atrium subapically. Atrium (Fig. 6 C, at) oval-like, ampulla thickly covered with diffuse unicellular prostate gland (Fig. 6 C, pr). Pseudopenes (Fig. 6 C, pe) present, 35 Μm in diameter. Spermathecae (Fig. 6 C, sa) oval-shaped, walls of ampulla 7.5–12.5 Μm thin. Duct (Fig. 6 C, sd) short, 35 Μm long, 47.5 Μm in diameter, 20Μm in its thick wall. Spermathecal chaetae unmodified, 4 per bundle, penial chaetae (Fig. 6 A) straight, bifid, with a very short distal tooth, 3 per bundle.

Remarks. This species was recorded by Stephenson (1909) for the first time as Limnodrilus sp. in Tibet, and then Černosvitov (1942) redescribed it, recognized it as a new species, and transferred it to the genus Rhyacodrilus. This species is also distributed in terrestrial habitats of Tianmu Mountain in Zhejiang Province (Liang & Xie 1997).


Published as part of Cui, Yongde, He, Xuebao, Peng, Yu & Wang, Hongzhu, 2015, Records of Naididae and Lumbriculidae (Clitellata) from Tibet, China, with description of a new species of Nais, pp. 513-530 in Zootaxa 3956 (4) on page 525, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3956.4.4,


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  • Cernosvitov, L. (1942) Oligochaeta from Tibet. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 111, 281 - 287.
  • Liang, Y. L. & Xie, Z. C. (1992) Chapter 7. Annelida, Mollusca and Tardigrada. 1. Oligochaeta, i. Oligochaeta Plesiopora. In: Yin, W. Y. et al., (Eds.), Subtropical Soil Animals of China. Science Press, Beijing, pp. 194 - 201. [in Chinese]
  • Stephenson, J. (1909) Report on a collection of smaller Oligochaeta made by Captain, F. H. & Stewart, I. M. S., in Tibet. Records of the Indian Museum, 3, 105 - 114.
  • Liang, Y. L. & Xie, Z. C. (1997) Aquatic Oligochaeta from Wuling Mountains area. In: Song, D. X. (Ed.), Invertebrates of Wuling Mountains Area, Southwestern China. Science Press, Beijing, pp. 383 - 394. [in Chinese with English abstract]