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Published December 3, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Flabelliderma Hartman 1969


Key to species of Flabelliderma Hartman, 1969, redefined

1 Dorsum covered by large tubercles or papillae, often with sediment particles.. 2

– Dorsum covered by small globular papillae........... 6

2 Dorsal tubercles soft, clavate with a thin base........... 3

– Dorsal tubercles tough, digitate or rectangular, with a wide base. F. ockeri n. sp.

3 Notopodial lobes compact, individual papillae mucrones not visible.... 4

– Notopodial lobes hirsute, individual papillae with mucrones free. F. gourdoni (Gravier, 1906) n. comb.

4 Dorsal tubercles of two different sizes; neurohook handle with three longer articles, basal short, others slightly longer.. F. claparedei (de Saint-Joseph, 1898) n. comb.

– Most dorsal tubercles clavate................ 5

5 Notopodial lobes with little sediment (living in sponges); 20–22 papillae per transverse row per segment, all shorter than notopodial lobes.. F. lighti n. sp.

– Notopodial lobes with abundant fine sediment (living in sandy bottoms or kelp holdfasts); 12–14 papillae per transverse row per segment, most about as long as notopodial lobes, some longer... F. papillosa (Essenberg, 1922) n. comb.

6 Dorsal papillae without sediment particles; notopodial lobes thick. F. pruvoti (Fauvel, 1930) n. comb.

– Dorsal papillae with sediment particles; notopodial lobes thin F. berkeleyorum n. sp.


Published as part of Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I., 2007, Revision of Flabelliderma Hartman, 1969 (Polychaeta: Flabelligeridae), pp. 2037-2061 in Journal of Natural History 41 (33 - 36) on page 2058, DOI: 10.1080/00222930701536443,


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Flabelliderma Hartman, 1969 sec. Salazar-Vallejo, 2007


  • Hartman O. 1969. Atlas of the sedentariate polychaetous Annelids from California. Los Angeles: University of Southern California, Allan Hancock Foundation. 812 p.
  • Gravier C. 1906. Sur les annelides polychetes recueillies par l'Expedition Antarctique Francaise (Aphroditiens, Amphinomiens, Flabelligeriens, Maldaniens, Ampharetiens). Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris 7: 535 - 540.
  • de Saint-Joseph A. 1898. Les annelides polychetes des cotes de France (Manche et Ocean). Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, Serie 8 5: 209 - 464.
  • Essenberg CE. 1922. Stylarioides papillosa, sp. nov., a new annelid from the San Diego region. University of California, Publications in Zoology 22: 379 - 381.
  • Fauvel P. 1930. Annelides polychetes de Nouvelle Caledonie recueillies par Mme A. Pruvot-Fol en 1928. Archives de Zoologie Experimentale et Generale, Paris 69: 501 - 562.