Published January 9, 2004
| Version v1
Journal article
Simulium (Hearlea) Vargas, Martínez Palacios, & Díaz Nájera (Diptera: Simuliidae): Taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis
Coscarón, S., Esquivel, D.R. Miranda, Moulton, J.K., Arias, C.L. Coscarón-, Bernal, S. Ibañez (2004): Simulium (Hearlea) Vargas, Martínez Palacios, & Díaz Nájera (Diptera: Simuliidae): Taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis. Zootaxa 396: 1-52, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.396.1.1
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