Published August 26, 2009 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Book Review


James, Remarkable biologists from Ray to Hamilton by Ioan, Cambridge, Press, Cambridge University, 2009, pp., 184, 55.00, Us, 95.00, hardback, 87589-9, Isbn 978-0-521-, 24.99, Us, 45.00, paperback, subject, Isbn 978-0-521-69918-1 There is a long-established tradition in biology of established names casting an appreciative eye over past giants in our, MacGillivray, one thinks of, zoologists, s Lives of eminent, 1834, Nicholson, Lives, s, naturalists, labours of leading, 1894 (2009): Book Review. Journal of Natural History 43 (35-36): 2271-2272, DOI: 10.1080/00222930903072775, URL:



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  • Gates BT. 1998 Kindred nature: Victorian women embrace the living world. Chicago (IL): The University of Chicago Press.
  • Locy WA. 1908. Biology and its makers. New York: Henry Holt and Company. 477 p.
  • McGillivray W. 1834. Lives of eminent zoologists from Aristotle to Linnaeus. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. 391 p.
  • Miall LC. 1912. The early naturalists: their lives and work (1530-1789). London (UK): Macmillan and Company Ltd. 396 p.
  • Nicholson HA. 1894. Lives and labours of leading naturalists. London (UK): W. & R. Chambers Ltd. 321 p.