Published August 6, 2010 | Version v1
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Book Review


Dar Al Ummah Publishing, Arthropod fauna of the Uae. Edited by A. van Harten., 39975, P.O. Box, Isbn, Abu Dhabi. Volume 2 31.03.2009., Europe, 978-9948-15-090-9 pp. 1-786., 38, C45, p, inc., p, America, North, Us, 56, p, incl., p, continents, other, Dirhams, 100 Uae, p, Isbn, p. Volume 3 31.03.2010., 1-700, 978-9948-15-616-1 pp., 2, price as for volume, ago, Since reviewing volume 1 two years, Antonius, series editor, Tony, van (2010): Book Review. Journal of Natural History 44 (35-36): 2247-2248, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2010.501952, URL:



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  • Arthropod fauna of the UAE. Edited by A. van Harten. Dar Al Ummah Publishing, P.O. Box 39975, Abu Dhabi. Volume 2 31.03.2009. ISBN: 978-9948-15-090-9 pp. 1-786. Europe: £38/C45 (inc. p&p); North America: US$56 (incl. p&p); other continents - 100 UAE Dirhams + p&p. Volume 3 31.03.2010. ISBN: 978-9948-15-616-1 pp. 1-700 (price as for volume 2).
  • Volume 2 begins with a brief general introduction summarising visitors and other contributors to the project during 2009. The systematic treatment that follows comprises 45 chapters by 55 authors, covering some smaller groups but focussing especially on the main holometabolous orders (Coleoptera 10 family treatments; Hymenoptera 3 family treatments; Lepidoptera 6 family treatments; Diptera 12 family treatments). Of particular value is the chapter by Huber et al on Mymaridae - the "fairy flies". Beautifully illustrated - especially given the minute size of many species - and with complete identification keys to both sexes of all genera known to occur in the Arabian Peninsula. These are followed by diagnostic summaries of the genera, including the biology where known. Gilka's account of the Tanytarsini (Chironomidae) is also superbly illustrated using his original and highly effective technique.
  • Volume 3 begins with a brief general introduction summarising visitors and other contributors to the project during 2009. The systematic treatment that follows comprises 41 chapters by 43 authors, again focussing on the main holometabolous orders (Coleoptera 11 family treatments; Hymenoptera 11 family treatments; Lepidoptera 6 family treatments; Diptera 9 family treatments). Of particular interest to me was Rasplus & van Noort's well-illustrated account of Agaonidae and Pteromalidae (Chalcidoidea) associated with figs (Ficus spp), including an excellent summary of the biology of these wasps. Buffington provides a good genus-level account of the Figitidae (Cynipoidea)