Published December 30, 2016
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Journal article
A new actinopterygian species of Igornichthys Heyler, 1972 from the Permian of the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic), and its relationship to the actinopterygians of other European Permo- Carboniferous basins
Štamberg, Stanislav (2016): A new actinopterygian species of Igornichthys Heyler, 1972 from the Permian of the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic), and its relationship to the actinopterygians of other European Permo- Carboniferous basins. Geodiversitas 38 (4): 475-488, DOI: 10.5252/g2016n4a1, URL:
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