Real-time GNSS troposphere products: ZTD and gradients - hurricane Lorenzo case study
This dataset contains multi-GNSS real-time products, i.e. ECEF coordinates, zenith total delay (ZTD), and horizontal gradients, together with their uncertainties estimated every 1 minute for a subset of EPN stations during two test periods (21 days long each):
1) Day of year (DoY) 201 - 221, 2019
2) DoY 266 - 286, 2019.
The processing strategy can be found in, under to "advanced strategy" configuration.
For convenience, products are stored in 2 formats (but each contains identical data):
1. Self-explanatory netCDF format (, which follows the parameter naming convention of the troposphere SINEX v2 format: Each file contains data for all stations but only for one test period.
2. Semicolon delimited text files, with a self-explanatory header line. Each file contains daily products for one station.