Eurysthea tatianakozlovae Botero & Santos-Silva 2017, sp. nov.
Eurysthea tatianakozlovae sp. nov.
(Figures 2a–c and 3c)
Female. Integument dark brown, almost black on some areas; palpi reddish-brown; antennae gradually brown toward distal segments; meso- and metatarsomere V reddishbrown except dark brown distal region; elytra with moderately wide band from anterior quarter to 1/10, semi-circular, anteriorly projected backward (forming a narrow inverted ‘V’), not reaching lateral margin, almost reaching suture after middle, almost reaching lateral margin at it apex (together in both elytron X-shaped).
Head. Frons moderately finely, sparsely punctate on triangular plate close to clypeus, finely, abundantly punctate laterally close to base of antennal tubercles, sub-smooth between these areas and centrally; with deep depression laterally between antennal tubercle and clypeus; with short, sparse, decumbent, golden setae on triangular plate, almost glabrous on subsmooth area, with wide band with short, abundant, decumbent, golden setae on area finely punctate (not obscuring integument). Area between antennal tubercles finely, densely punctate, except sub-smooth, narrow area along coronal suture; with wide band with short, abundant, decumbent, golden setae laterally (covering base of antennal tubercle), following that on frons, glabrous on sub-smooth area. Area between upper eye lobes finely, moderately abundant punctate, except smooth area along coronal suture; with short, decumbent, moderately abundant golden setae close to eyes, gradually sparser toward glabrous area along coronal suture. Area between eyes and prothoracic margin almost smooth centrally, densely, minutely punctate laterally; sub-glabrous centrally, with short, decumbent, abundant golden setae on minutely punctate area. Area behind upper eye lobes smooth on narrow area close to eye, gradually minutely, densely punctate toward prothorax; glabrous close to eye, gradually with short, decumbent, abundant golden setae toward prothorax. Area behind lower eye lobes sub-glabrous. Coronal suture distinct from apex of triangular plate of frons to posterior ocular edge. Antennal tubercles finely, abundantly punctate on base, smooth toward apex; glabrous on smooth area. Genae with apex moderately projected sideward; finely punctate (punctures slightly coarser, more abundant toward ventral side) except smooth narrow area close to apex; with short and long, moderately sparse, decumbent setae, glabrous close to apex. Gula smooth, except for some fine punctures laterally and near submentum; with short, sparse, yellowish setae interspersed with long, erect setae. Submentum centrally slightly vermiculate, laterally with fine, shallow punctures; with short and long, erect, sparse yellowish setae. Postclypeus finely, confluently punctate centrally, smooth laterally; with short, decumbent golden setae on punctate area (slightly sparser, shorter centrally), glabrous on smooth area; with one long, erect, yellowish seta laterally on punctate area. Labrum finely, abundantly punctate laterally on basal 2/3, smooth on remaining surface, except on narrow, transverse sulcus centrally near apex minutely, densely punctate; with long, moderately sparse, yellowish setae directed forward on punctate area, with brush with short, golden setae on centre of transverse sulcus, glabrous on remaining surface. Mandibles coarsely, confluently punctate laterally and dorsally on basal 3/4, smooth distally and toward inner side; with short and long, moderately sparse, sub-erect yellowish setae (long setae more erect). Distance between upper eye lobes 0.5 times length of scape; distance between lower eye lobes in frontal view 0.9 times length of scape. Antennae 1.1 times elytral length, reaching posterior ninth of elytra, antennomeres not carinate. Scape gradually enlarged toward apex; finely, abundantly punctate on base, gradually sparser toward smooth apex; with moderately short, decumbent, sparse, yellowish setae, interspersed with some long, erect setae. Pedicel and antennomeres III–XI with, decumbent, golden setae (denser toward distal segment), interspersed with long, erect, golden setae ventrally (shorter, slightly denser toward distal segment). Antennomere III with minute spine at inner apex. Antennomeres IV–X unarmed at apex. Antennal formula (ratio) based on antennomere III (without spine): scape = 0.64; pedicel = 0.16; IV = 0.88; V = 0.96; VI = 0.90; VII = 0.86; VIII = 0.73; IX = 0.64; X = 0.55; XI = 0.55.
Thorax. Prothorax wider than long (1.25 times); sides with two rounded tubercles: one smaller, placed more dorsally at anterior half; one larger, placed more ventrally about middle; sides minutely, densely punctate, except smooth tubercle on anterior half, part of central tubercle and area closer to anterior margin; with moderately fine, sparse punctures from which emerge long, erect, yellowish setae; with golden pubescence (shorter, slightly distinct on some areas depending on angle of light), glabrous on top of tubercle of anterior half and area closer to anterior margin (with moderately long, erect setae on part of this latter region). Pronotum with five gibbosities: two conical, placed on each side of anterior half (near middle); two horseshoe-shaped placed on posterior half (outermost than these on anterior half); one elongate, placed centrally between posterior plate and middle. Pronotal surface moderately coarsely punctate between tubercles, with some punctures on centre of posterior plate and between tubercles and sides of prothorax; remaining surface minutely punctate, except smooth area of tubercles (less so on horseshoe-shaped tubercles); with abundant, decumbent, golden pubescence (shorter, slightly distinct on some areas depending on angle of light), interspersed with erect, sparse, yellowish setae, except glabrous tubercles (less so on horseshoe-shaped tubercles). Prosternum minutely, densely punctate laterally on posterior half, finely, somewhat sparsely punctate centrally on posterior half; anterior half tumid, finely, transversely striate on some areas, sulcate near anterior margin; with short, decumbent, yellowish setae (distinctly not obscuring integument) sparser on centre of posterior half and entire anterior half, interspersed with long, erect setae. Prosternal process centrally carinate on posterior half, sulcate on anterior half. Mesoventrite, mesepimeron and mesanepisternum with minute, yellowish pubescence (almost indistinct depending on angle of light), interspersed with short and long, sub-erect, yellowish setae. Mesoventral process rugose, centrally carinate; apex deeply emarginate, with distal lobes acute toward apex. Metanepisternum with short, abundant, yellowish pubescence interspersed with long, sub-erect setae, mainly on anterior third, except narrow anterior area with golden pubescence. Metaventrite finely, sparsely punctate, mainly centrally; with long, moderately abundant, decumbent, yellowish setae, gradually sparser toward glabrous centre. Scutellum with golden pubescence (almost glabrous anteriorly on central region; slightly distinct on nearly all central area depending on angle of light).
Elytra. Finely, abundantly punctate on anterior half, gradually finer, sparser toward apex; with short, decumbent, moderately abundant yellowish setae, interspersed with long, erect, whitish setae, more abundant laterally and along margins of posterior fifth; apex truncate; outer and sutural angles with distinct spine.
Legs. Femora and tibiae with moderately long and abundant yellowish-white setae, mostly decumbent on femora, decumbent and sub-erect on tibiae.
Abdomen. Ventrites finely, sparsely punctate; with decumbent, short and long, yellowish setae, slightly more abundant laterally. Ventrite V 0.75 times as long as IV; apex truncate, slightly emarginate centrally.
Dimensions in mm (female). Total length, 31.5; prothorax length, 4.1; anterior width, 3.9; posterior width, 4.5; largest prothoracic width, 5.1; humeral width, 7.3; elytral length, 24.6.
Type material
Holotype male from COLOMBIA, Bogotá: 4.0237143 / -74.3295182 [04°01 ʹ 25.37 ʺ N / 74° 19 ʹ 42.26 ʺ W], March 2016, Gortovannyi col. (MZSP).
Etymology. The new species is named after Tatiana Olegovna Kozlova (Belarus, Gomel), sister of Anton Olegovich Kozlov, who sent and donated the holotype to MZSP collection.
Eurysthea tatianakozlovae sp. nov. resembles E. koepckei (Franz 1956), E. latefasciata (Fonseca-Gessner 1990), E. magni fi ca Martins, 1985, E. punctata (Fonseca-Gessner 1990), E. robertsi (Fonseca-Gessner 1990), and E. subandina (Fonseca-Gessner 1990) by the elytral drawing pattern. It differs from all these species by the prothorax without spiniform tubercle at sides. It can be also separated from E. koepckei and E. punctata by the spine at apex of antennomere III notably short (long in E. koepckei and E. punctata), and by the elytral apex bispinose (with spine distinct only at outer angle in E. koepckei and E. punctata). From E. latefasciata and E. magni fi ca it differs also by the spines of elytral apex with similar length (spine at outer angle notably longer than the sutural in E. latefasciata and E. magni fi ca ). It differs from E. robertsi by the absence of squamiform setae on elytra (present in E. robertsi) and by the elytral spines with similar length (outer spine notably longer in E. robertsi). Finally, the new species also differs from E. subandina by the elytral apex bispinose (with spine distinct only at outer angle in E. subandina).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Family
- Cerambycidae
- Genus
- Eurysthea
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Botero & Santos-Silva
- Species
- tatianakozlovae
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype
- Taxonomic concept label
- Eurysthea tatianakozlovae Botero & Santos-Silva, 2017
- Franz E. 1956. Eine neue Paramallocera aus Peru (Ins., Col., Cerambycidae) [A new Paramallocera from Peru (Ins., Col., Cerambycidae)]. Senckenberg Biol. 37: 137 - 138.
- Fonseca-Gessner AA. 1990. Revisao taxonomica do genero Paramallocera Aurivillius, 1912 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae, Sphaerionini) [Taxonomic revision of the genus Paramallocera Aurivillius, 1912 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae, Sphaerionini)]. Rev Brasil Entomol. 34: 817 - 856.
- Martins UR. 1985. Novos taxons, sinonimias, notas e nova combinacao em Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) neotropicais [New taxons, synonymys, notes and new combination in Neotropical Cerambycidae (Coleoptera)]. Rev Brasil Entomol. 29: 169 - 180.