Published June 30, 2021 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

D2.1 Definition and Description of the 6G BRAINS Primary Use Cases and Derivation of User Requirements


Wireless connectivity is an important enabler for many modern applications in various segments. The need for further improvement of wireless communication technologies is still very large. New transmission techniques, smart communication resource planning and utilization, novel optimization methods including Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning etc., can bring known applications to a new level of their performance or can even enable totally new applications that were impossible until now.
With this deliverable, we do the first step towards identifying the most obvious applications that can benefit from 6G BRAINS technologies. While carefully reviewing the segments like production manufacturing, automotive industry, smart agriculture, etc., a list of relevant use cases is created. The most challenging use cases build the basis for our requirements analysis summarized in this document in form of technical use case descriptions, derived user requirements, KPI specifications, as well as user concerns.


D2.1 Definition and Description of the 6G BRAINS Primary Use Cases and Derivation of User Requirements.pdf

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6G BRAINS – Bring Reinforcement-learning Into Radio Light Network for Massive Connections 101017226
European Commission