Published June 30, 2021 | Version 1.00
Project deliverable Open

S&R Pilot guidelines and User's Handbook


The purpose of this handbook is to provide guidelines and a reference for the design, planning, conduct and evaluation of exercises. Exercising is integral to:

  • the development of capability of personnel
  • to the preparation of personnel to carry out their functions during actual events

This handbook is designed to:

  • offer a series of checklists and prompts for exercise managers.
  • illustrate different aspects of the exercise management process.
  • provide a shared understanding of key concepts, principles, and frameworks.
  • provide consistency in the terminology, management structures, and documentation used in exercise management.
  • provide resources that improve the quality of exercises.

The use of “Pilot guidelines and User’s Handbook” is mandatory as a guideline for the seven S&R Pilots that will be testing and evaluating the S&R technologies.


SnR_D8.1 - S&R Pilot guidelines and User’s Handbook_v1.00.pdf

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Search and Rescue – Search and Rescue: Emerging technologies for the Early location of Entrapped victims under Collapsed Structures and Advanced Wearables for risk assessment and First Responders Safety in SAR operations 882897
European Commission