Implementation of blended education at the faculty of philology
- 1. V. О. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv
This study emphasizes the need for innovation in pedagogical theory and practice. It highlights the theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization of blended learning in English teaching. The authors confirm a detailed theoretical basis, offer a model of blended learning in foreign language lessons for FLS. A blended approach to learning is one of the most relevant educational technologies today, as it allows you to take advantage of the flexibility and convenience of distance learning and the benefits of traditional forms of learning. As a result of theoretical analysis and experience of university teachers in a blended form of education, aspects that have remained outside of research are revealed. This includes the methodological potential of the organization of independent cognitive activity of FLS. The realization of this idea is impossible without the development and implementation of appropriate learning technologies.
Three main components of the blended learning model that are used in the modern educational environment are identified:
– face-to-face training (face-to-face) is a traditional format of classroom teacher-student;
– self-study learning – involves independent work of students: search for materials using a resource map, online search, etc .;
– online learning (online collaborative learning) – the work of students and teachers online, for example, through Internet conferences, Skype or wiki, etc.
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