Published August 9, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A Survey on Identifying Leaf Disease using Machine Learning, Deep Learning Concepts

  • 1. Professor, Department of CSE, HKBKCE Bengaluru, India.
  • 2. Student, Department of CSE, HKBKCE Bengaluru, India.


As we all know that agriculture is to the backbone of the nation and crops play a very important role in our day to day lives by producing us with nutritional and valuable ingredients. The polluted environmental conditions are affecting the crops by several diseases and the farmers are finding it difficult to detect these diseases at the beginning stages. So, assessing of the crop conditions is significant. The evolving image easy-sweetening technologies can be employed and the techniques like machine learning, deep learning is proposed. this project focuses on the crop condition assessment with the help of the leaf images. Leaves that are healthy and leaves that are diseased are captured using cameras from the actual- time environment. The images given by the user undergoes the classification techniques where it detects if the leaf is diseased or not. Thus, the proposed system helps the farmers with the difficulties faced in crop cultivation and helps the crop to increase in production.


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