Cercopeus maspavancus Sleeper 1955
(Fig. 8, 21, 44)
Diagnosis. Body broad-oval, integument shining, reddish brown, prothorax and head darker in some specimens; clothed with tan, fuscous, and dark brown oval to round recumbent scales, imbricate or not on sides and apical region of elytra; and with dense suberect, coarse, bristle-like setae.
Description. Female. Length, pronotum and elytra: 3.3-4.5 mm. Width, elytra: 2.1-2.6 mm. Rostrum one-third longer than head, broad, nearly straight in basal two-thirds, slightly convex near base, apical third abruptly depressed; dorsomedian area slightly convex; basal half with round gray scales concealing punctures, apical half with minute scales and moderately sparse, elongate, suberect pale setae; nasal plate well defined, margins carinate. Head with frons with large, shallow, oval fovea generally covered with large round recumbent scales, vertex striate-punctate with few small scales, occiput nearly glabrous, nearly smooth, transversely strigulate; eyes nearly round, moderately convex. Antennae thick; scape curved, in repose not reaching pronotum, markedly widened to apex, apex as wide as widest part of foretibia, with minute dense scales and long sparse suberect setae; funicular antennomere 1 as wide as long, 2 about 1.3× as long as 1, 3-6 subequal and slightly wider than long and rounded, 7 slightly longer and wider than 6; club broad-oval, about as long as antennomeres 1 + 2. Prothorax 1.2× wider than long, nearly uniformly oval, very slightly constricted at apex, base and apex subequal in width; lateral margins moderately rounded in anterior view; middle of pronotum distinctly tumid; disc on median 3/4 with small substriolate punctures separated by own width, with dark brown recumbent scales, and moderately short coarse, curved setae, lateral margin with few paler scales or minute dark brown scales, inflexed area of pleuron with plumose pale scales. Elytra elongate-oval, 0.75× as wide as long, broadest at middle, sides roundly evenly narrowed to apex, apices narrowly conjointly rounded; densely covered with imbricate dark brown scales, with an oblique fascia of larger paler scales from humerus to declivity, followed by black fascia and pale scales behind, or with scales nearly uniform in size and color; striae fine with small to medium-sized round punctures; intervals equal in width, nearly flat, each with single row of closely spaced long oblique setae. Legs stout, forefemur widest with small, not contiguous, recumbent scales and subrecumbent fine elongate setae; foretibiae denticulate or not internally, produced at apex as broad equilateral triangle with nine pale spines on distal edge and internally with elongate acute mucro; hind tibia with two blunt stout apical spines, and outer margin of apex with row of about 11 long pale spines. Venter with sparse moderately large punctures, sparse recumbent plumose scales, metasternum and lateral margins of abdominal sternum I with elongate recumbent nonplumose scales, abdominal sterna with dense long fine subrecumbent setae; abdominal sterna moderately shiny, nearly flat; abdominal sternum I 1.5× longer than II; sterna III + IV equal, together slightly longer than II; sternum V slightly longer than II, wider than long, apex rounded. Genitalia: Tergum VII (Fig. 44a) subquadrate, 1.1× wider than long, with anterior margin rounded, 1.5× wider than posterior margin, lateral and posterior margins straight, surface with setae on apical third. Tergum VIII (Fig. 44b) 1.2× longer than wide, with anterior margin emarginate, lateral and posterior margins straight, with setae on apical fourth. Sternum VIII (Fig. 44c) 0.7× length of sterna I-V together, spoon-shaped, with lamina 2.2× longer than wide, rounded at corners, with apicolateral area and median basilongitudinal region more sclerotized than basilateral regions, with three lateral posterior submarginal setae. Coxites + styli (Fig. 44d) 0.9× length of base of sternum VIII; coxites with several pre-apical mid-sized setae; styli apically inserted, 2.4× longer than basal width, with 3-5 long apical setae. Genital chamber 0.6× length of sternum VIII. Spermatheca (Fig. 44e) 1.3× longer than wide, j-shaped; cornu nearly straight; ramus narrower and shorter than collum, both apically truncate, laterally rounded, diverging; surface of corpus, collum, and ramus reticulate.
Male. Unknown.
Range. MA, NC, PA, SC, VA (O’Brien and Wibmer 1982).
Materials examined. On hand from South Carolina were 4 females: Darlington Co., Pee Dee R & E Center, 15-II-2008, N34 o 17.848', W79 o 44.099' / J.C.Ciegler, berlese, sifted, oak, holly, on sand (1) (CWOB); Georgetown Co., Sandy Island, 3/28-4/29/00, In Pit Trap (1) (JCCC); Kershaw Co., Goodale St Park, Camden 20-I-2007, N34 o 16.963', W80 o 31.516' / J.C. Ciegler, berlese, sifted, in wood chips (1) (JCCC); same except in leaf litter (1) (CWOB).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 2007-01-20 , 2008-02-15
- Family
- Curculionidae
- Genus
- Cercopeus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Sleeper
- Species
- maspavancus
- Taxon rank
- species
- Verbatim event date
- 2007-01-20 , 2008-02-15
- Taxonomic concept label
- Cercopeus maspavancus Sleeper, 1955 sec. O'Brien, Ciegler & Girón, 2010
- Sleeper, E. L. 1955. A review of the Trachyloeini [sic] of America north of Mexico (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Ohio Journal of Science 55: 279 - 292.
- O'Brien, C. W., and G. J. Wibmer. 1982. Annotated checklist of the weevils (Curculionidae sensu lato) of North America, Central America, and the West Indies (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 34: 1 - 382.