Published July 2, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Komiyandra mindoro Santos-Silva & Heffern & Matsuda 2010, sp. nov.

  • 1. Komiyandra mindanao Santos-Silva, Heffern, and Matsuda


Komiyandra mindoro sp. nov.

(Fig. 61, 110, 183, 250, 293, 346, 458, 459)

Etymology. The name refers to the island of Mindoro in the Philippines (noun in apposition).

Type material. Holotype M, PHILIPPINES, Mimaropa Region, Mindoro, Oriental Mindoro: Mount Halcon, VI.2007, [no collector indicated] (MZSP – donated by Ziro Komiya). Paratype (1 M), same data as holotype (ZKCO).

Description. Integument very dark-brown; head and mandibles black.

Male (Fig. 458). Dorsal face of head, on gibbosities and between that and occiput, moderately, coarsely and abundantly punctate; area between gibbosities and ocular carina clearly depressed, with punctures somewhat coarse and sparse near clypeus; ocular carina elevated, clearly bifurcated in “Y” near posterior edge of eyes (Fig. 458). Eyes (Fig. 110) moderately narrow; posterior ocular edge (Fig. 458) very distinct. Central area of clypeus vertical, with strong depressions laterally. Central projection of labrum (Fig. 61) wide and slightly rounded at apex. Submentum depressed; coarse and only sparse punctation; pilosity moderately long and sparse; anterior edge elevated throughout. Mandibles approximately as long as head; teeth of inner margin (Fig. 183) placed at apical half. Ventral sensorial area of antennomeres III-XI not visible from side, and not divided by carina (Fig. 250).

Pronotum convex, including basal third, with punctures just fine and moderately abundant at central region, coarser and more abundant laterally, mainly near anterior angles; anterior edge sinuous; anterior angles slightly projected forward; lateral angles rounded, barely marked; posterior angles distinct, almost in right angle. Elytra coarsely and abundantly punctate at basal two-thirds, finer and more abundant at apical third; each elytron with two carinae. Metasternum coarsely, moderately punctate laterally, and finer, sparser towards metasternal suture. Metafemur (Fig. 459) slightly enlarged. Dorsal face of metatibia flat. Metatarsomere V (without claws) longer than I-III together (Fig. 293).

Variability. Central projection of labrum wide and truncate at apex.

Dimensions in mm (M). Total length (including mandibles), 19.1-20.4; prothorax: length, 4.2-4.4; anterior width, 5.1-5.2; posterior width, 4.3-4.7; humeral width, 5.1-5.7; elytral length, 10.7-11.9.

Comments. Komiyandra mindoro is similar to K. philippinensis ( Fig. 431), from which it differs by the integument almost blackish, and by the presence of depressions laterally to the vertical area of the clypeus. In K. philippinensis, the integument is lighter brown, and there are not depressions laterally to the vertical area of the clypeus.


Published as part of Santos-Silva, Antonio, Heffern, Daniel & Matsuda, Kiyoshi, 2010, Revision of Hawaiian, Australasian, Oriental, and Japanese Parandrinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), pp. 1-120 in Insecta Mundi 2010 (130) on pages 27-28, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5164485


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Collection code
Scientific name authorship
Santos-Silva & Heffern & Matsuda
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
Taxonomic concept label
Komiyandra mindoro Santos-Silva, Heffern & Matsuda, 2010