Published June 30, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

EMPHASIS-PREP Deliverable D6.3: Report on services tested and potential KPIs (key performance indicators)

  • 1. Forschungszentrum Jülich


Executive Summary

This Deliverable summarises the concepts and evaluation approach to EMPHASIS pilot services which have been developed and conceptualised in the framework of the EMPHASIS-Prep project and represent a subset of the final service protfolio. These services will be delivered to the user community already within the Implementation Phase in order to (1) help further increase visibility of EMPHASIS with its stakeholders, (2) illustrate that EMPHASIS can deliver benefits, and (3) test feasibility and learn “operational procedures” in pan-European service provision. The success of the pilot services will be evaluated at the end of the Implementation Phase, and experiences gained used in service provision in the Operational Phase.

The pilot services address user demand identified in the EMPHASIS-Prep mapping activities in the first project period including fields of :

  • Field phenotyping,
  • Innovation,
  • Harmonisation,
  • Data management,
  • Modelling, and
  • Training.

The objectives and work plan of each pilot service as well as key performance indicators needed for their evaluation are presented in this deliverable.


Deliverable_6_3_Report on services_final.pdf

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EMPHASIS-PREP – Preparation for EMPHASIS: European Infrastructure for multi-scale Plant Phenomics and Simulation for food security in a changing climate 739514
European Commission