Published August 5, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Mare Domes in Mare Tranquillitatis


This page archives data used in the following article:

Qiao, L., Head, J. W., Wilson, L., Chen, J., & Ling, Z. (2021). Mare domes in Mare Tranquillitatis: Identification, characterization, and implications for their origin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126, e2021JE006888.

They contain (1) mare dome catalogue (Table 1), (2) list of previously domes (Table S1), and (3) figure files in the Supplementary Materials (FIgure S1-S7).

Note: In the dome catalogue (Table 1), the "0" values for the "Host mare age (Ga)" for seven domes (Maclear 4 and Maraldi 1-6) indicate no values available.


Figure S1_Clementine_TiO2(Lucey2000)_10S30N_10-50E_TC-Mor.png