There is a newer version of the record available.

Published August 1, 2021 | Version v1
Thesis Open

Parallel SAT-Solving for Product Configuration

  • 1. KIT, CAS Software AG



  • 1. KIT


This thesis presents parallel algorithms to solve SAT problems in the domain of
product configuration. During an interactive configuration process, a user selects
components step-by-step to find a suitable configuration that fulfills a set of constraints.
A configuration system can be used to guide the user through the process by
validating the selections and providing feedback. Each validation of a user selection
is formulated as a SAT problem. Furthermore, an optimization problem is identified
to find solutions with the minimum amount of changes compared to the previous configuration.
The necessity of reproducible solutions, despite using parallel algorithms,
is considered and concepts to provide deterministic results are presented. Different
parallel algorithms are proposed and compared. Experiments show that reasonable
speedups are achieved by using multiple threads over the sequential counterpart.


thesis merlin.pdf

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