Published August 1, 2021 | Version 1
Journal article Open

Emerging risky sexual behavior and substance use behavior among adolescents


  • 1. Lecturer, Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka


Adolescence is a period of substantial developmental
changes in an individual's physical, cognitive, emotional,
and social behavior. Peer pressure, family problems, lack of
education, use of mass media, delinquencies, and changes
in neurobiology all affect an adolescent's development and
may predispose to consequences such as drug addiction,
unprotected sexual activities, unplanned pregnancies STDs,
HIV, and other mental health issues. This paper is mainly
focused on highlighting the emerging risky sexual behavior
and substance use among adolescents. The review also
reveals the role of educational institutes, government
programs & policies, community, and health care workers as
they play a crucial role in reducing the risk of these
problems by providing adequate knowledge and services to
the adolescents from the beginning itself.


June 2021 Issue - IJHSC-pages-1,3,53-64.pdf

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