Anonymiser software for hospital discharge reports
This is an anonymisation software based on name lists, gazetteer, and rules.
The allowed application parameters are:
-input="%PATH%" where %PATH% is the folder path with reports. [required if 'version' or 'help' are not chosen]
-output="%PATH%" where %PATH% is the folder path for saving anonymized reports. [required if 'version' or 'help' are not chosen]
-threads=%NUMBER% where %NUMBER% is the number of parallel processes to anonymize reports. [optional]
-init=%NUMBER% where %NUMBER% is the origin from which the anonymizer will process. [optional]
-last=%NUMBER% where %NUMBER% is the limit to which the anonymizer will process. [optional]
-version or -v displays the application version. [required if 'input' or 'help' are not chosen]
-help or -h displays the allowed application parameters. [required if 'input' or 'version' are not chosen]
Example: java -jar AnonymizingFrame.jar -input="C:\Users\USER\reportFolder" -output="C:\Users\USER\anonymizedReportFolder" -threads=3
(51.8 MB)
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