Published July 22, 2021 | Version v1
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FIG. 9. — Cervicodorsal PVL 4170 in Osteological revision of the holotype of the Middle Jurassic sauropod dinosaur Patagosaurus fariasi Bonaparte, 1979 (Sauropoda: Cetiosauridae)

  • 1. Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology, PO Box 7500, Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0 (Canada) and Fachgruppe Paläoumwelt, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Geozentrum Nordbayern, Loewenichstrasse 28, 91054, Erlangen (Germany) and Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns (SNSB), Bayerische Staatssamlung für Paläontologie und Geologie, Richard-Wagner-Strasse 10, 80333 München (Germany) and Department of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Princetonlaan, 3584 CD Utrecht (Netherlands)
  • 2. Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns (SNSB), Bayerische Staatssamlung für Paläontologie und Geologie, Richard-Wagner-Strasse 10, 80333 München (Germany) and Department für Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Richard-Wagner-Strasse 10, 80333 München (Germany) and GeoBioCenter, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Richard-Wagner-Strasse 10, 80333 München (Germany)
  • 3. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) (Argentina) and Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio, Avenida Fontana 140, Trelew (Argentina)


FIG. 9. — Cervicodorsal PVL 4170 (8) in lateral (A, B), anterior (C), posterior (D), dorsal (E) and ventral (F) views. Abbreviations: acdl, anterior centrodiapophyseal lamina, cprl, centroprezygapophyseal lamina, cpol, centropostzygapophyseal lamina, dp, diapophysis, hypa, hypapophysis, nc, neural canal, ns, neural spine, pp, parapophysis, po, postzygapophysis, prcdf, prezygapophyseal centrodiapophyseal fossa, pocdf, postzygapophyseal centrodiapophyseal fossa, prdl, prezygapophyseal diapophyseal lamina, pre, prezygapophysis, sdf, spinodiapophysal fossa, spof, spinopostzygapophyseal fossa, spol, spinopostzygapophyseal lamina, sprf, spinoprezygapophyseal fossa, sprl, spinoprezygapophyseal lamina, tprl, intraprezygapophyseal lamina, tpol, intrapostzygapophyseal lamina, stpol, single intrapostzygapophyseal lamina, vk, ventral keel. Scale bar: 10 cm.


Published as part of Holwerda, Femke M., Rauhut, Oliver W. M. & Pol, Diego, 2021, Osteological revision of the holotype of the Middle Jurassic sauropod dinosaur Patagosaurus fariasi Bonaparte, 1979 (Sauropoda: Cetiosauridae), pp. 575-643 in Geodiversitas 43 (16) on page 597, DOI: 10.5252/geodiversitas2021v43a16,



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