Published July 28, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Deliverable 2.2: Legal comparative analysis for multi-level relationship involving CHIs

  • 1. Europeana Foundation
  • 2. Centrum Cyfrowe


It is essential to ensure that CHIs are fully aware of the impact that intellectual property (hereinafter ‘IP’) rules, and in particular of copyright legislation, make on their core activities, such as with respect to access, use and re-use of cultural content.

The first WP2 deliverable (Deliverable 2.1) of this project aimed at mapping the relevant IP rights (IPRs) at EU and international level. This deliverable, titled ‘Legal comparative analysis for a multi-level relationship involving CHIs’ focuses on comparative analysis of the relevant copyright-related provisions that impact the activities carried out by CHIs. The legislative framework of six selected Member States (Belgium, France, Lithuania, Poland, Spain and Sweden) is compared in this study. The jurisdictions were selected based on the agreement made with a partner H2020 project, reCreating Europe, where other EU national jurisdictions will be analysed.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870792.



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inDICEs – Measuring the impact of DIgital CulturE 870792
European Commission