Published July 23, 2021 | Version V7
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How To Be In The Room: A guidebook preparing people who use(d) drugs for engaging in drug policy processes

  • 1. Canadian Association of People who Use Drugs


This guide is for PWUD who want to become involved with policy and decision-making processes. If you are new to this process, know it can be rewarding, exciting, emotionally difficult, confusing, and intimidating. If you feel this way or are overwhelmed, know that most PWUD, as well as decision-makers, have felt this way at one time or another. Remember, your personal experience provides you with a unique and valued opinion, so do not hold back if you have a question you feel is relevant. You were asked to participate so you could share your valued knowledge and expertise based on your experience. Many of us remember the awkward feeling at our first several meetings with not just politicians or bureaucrats, but with the many stakeholders that work and engage with PWUD. 

Being in these meetings, whatever form they take, is what we refer to as being in the room (ITR). It is where you have an opportunity to influence policy, help transform the system, and advocate for change using your personal experience and the experiences of those around you to bring forth a better future for PWUD. 

As PWUD we need to support each other to make positive change. Many of the current and future changes in drug policy at all levels of government have been initiated and directed by PWUD and the groups they represent. It is reassuring to know that in Canada, PWUD have the power to create real change on both the smallest and largest of scales, which truly highlights that every contribution counts. Those of us ITR have a unique position to not only speak our minds and share our wisdom, but to represent the thousands of voices of our friends and family that have been silenced due to misguided drug laws and insufficient knowledge. This means that being prepared to discuss the issue(s) at hand is essential for achieving successful change for your community. This guide is a resource that will help you be prepared when ITR. So be proud of surviving the adversity you have faced and know that THIS GUIDE IS FOR YOU! 


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