Published June 16, 2008 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Pocadius monticola Lechanteur 1959


Pocadius monticola Lechanteur, 1959

(Fig. 238)

Specimens examined. 1 Paratype ♀ (NMPC): Blukwa; Mont Wago; 7900m; 7-5-56 / Ituri, Zaire / Paratype / F. Lechanteur det., 1958; Pocadius; monticola; n. sp. / Mus. Nat. Prague; 65627; Inv.

Diagnosis. Differs from others by: dark medial line on pronotum and orange-brown humeri; dark antennal club; protibial outer apical spur without prominent notch; heavy armature on all tibia; elongate sub-cylindrical shape of antennal pedicel.

Redescription. Length 4.9mm, Width 2.4mm, Depth 1.6mm. Body dark brown/black with the following orange/brown: lateral 0.33 of pronotum, anterior 0.33 of elytra from humeri to near suture, venter and appendages except antennal club which is dark. Pronotal and elytral margins moderately fimbriate.

Head surface deeply densely punctate, large and small punctures interspersed throughout. Large punctures ~4–5X diameter of an eye facet, smaller punctures 0.5 size of large punctures, interspaces alutaceous to granular, 1 diameter apart. Pronotal surface with large and small punctures interspersed throughout, pronotal disc with more small punctures than lateral area. Large punctures 1.5X diameter of large punctures on head, small punctures 0.33X large punctures; interspaces 0.5–1 diameter apart, granular. Scutellar surface faintly punctate, punctures similar in size to large ones on head, most aggregated in anterior 0.5, interspaces granular. Eytral surface with serial rows of large punctures 1.5X diameter of large pronotal punctures, each giving rise to short stiff semidecumbent setae, 0.5 length of setae from small punctures. Small serial punctures 0.25 diameter of large punctures, each giving rise to elongate pale brown setae, similar in length to those on head and pronotum. Large and small punctures in single rows. Interspaces alutaceous to granular, large punctures separated from each other by 0.25 diameter, small punctures separated from each other by 1–2 diameters. Large and small puncture rows separated from each other by 0.75–1 large puncture diameter. Pygidium densely irregularly punctate, punctures equal to small punctures on elytra, interspaces alutaceous, punctures separated by 0.25 diameter.

Venter with shorter finer pubescence than dorsum. Mentum with faint large punctation, punctures 0.75 large punctures on head. Prosternum and epimeron irregularly faintly punctate, punctures subequal to mental punctures, interspaces alutaceous, prosternal punctures separated by 0.25–0.5 diameter, those on epimeron similarly separated. Mesoventrite with faint large punctures along posterior margin, interspaces alutaceous. Metaventrite irregularly punctate, with small faint punctures on disc similar to small elytral punctures, interspaces smooth to alutaceous on disc, separated by 2–3 diameters. Abdominal sternite 1 with faint medium sized punctures on abdominal process 1.5X larger than those on metaventrite, interspaces 3 diameters apart, alutaceous with transverse microreticulation; large punctures posteriorly and laterally on sternite 1, equal to large ones on elytra. Hypopygidium densely deeply punctate, punctures equal to those on sternites 2–4, interspaces alutaceous with some microreticulation, punctures separated by 0.25–0.5 diameter.

Head wider than long, somewhat triangular. Antennal club compact, elongate oval, densely setose, asymmetrical, with last antennomere longer than previous two combined. Antennomeres 6–8 strongly flattened into disc-like structures, their combined length less than length of antennomere 9. Antennal scape somewhat asymmetrical, subcylindrical, 2X as long as pedicel. Pedicel cylindrical, ~0.5 length and width of scape, widest near middle. Antennal segment 3 subcylindrical, 0.75 length of pedicel. Segments 4–5 subquadrate, narrowing basally, each 0.5 length of segment 3. Antennal club large, subequal to segments 1–8 combined, asymmetrical, terminal segment larger than preceding two combined. Mentum with apex evenly rounded anteriorly, overall hemispherical, in lateral view somewhat convex.

Pronotum transverse, widest near posterior angles (W:L = 2:1), anterior margin broadly deeply concave. Prosternal process in lateral view with anterior portion depressed prior to coxal cavities, apical wall perpendicular. Scutellum large, broadly triangular with rounded apex. Mesoventrite not extending to midway between mesocoxae, posterior border deeply concave. Metaventrite wider than long (W:L = 2.3:1). Metepisternum somewhat broad, slightly concave medially, anterior 0.33 produced anteriomedially, anterior 0.16 forming axillary space. First abdominal sternite with broadly triangular process and medial acute tip, first sternite 1.75X longer than sternite 2. Sternites 2–4 subequal. Hypopygidium 1.2X length of sternite 1.

Protibia with slight lateral curvature, faintly crenulate along lateral edge. Apical tooth somewhat prominent, subequal to tarsomere 2. Outer apical notch indistinct, notch depth 0.5 length of tarsomere 1. Inner apical spine subequal to first tarsomere and 0.5 of second. Protibia with moderate armature overall, a row of short stiff spines along inner edge. Mesotibia more heavily armed than protibia with slender spines along lateral edge and medial and ventral surfaces. Outer apical process somewhat robust, subequal to protibial process, projecting more posteriorly. Inner apical spine equal to tarsomere 1. Metatibia heavily armed with rows of slender elongate spines. Spines of varying lengths, but mostly longer than those on mesotibia. Outer apical process robust, projecting posteriorly. Inner apical spine subequal to tarsomeres 1 and 0.5 of 2 combined.

Female genitalia moderately sclerotized (Fig. 238). Paraprocts large with sclerotization along median margin. Gonocoxite with one basal lateral prominence. Gonocoxal apices with recurved “tooth” present. Two elongate setae originate from small depressions on gonocoxal apices. Intragonocoxal invagination deep and narrow.

Variation. Lechanteur (1959) noted a considerable size difference between the male holotype and female allotype; however, examination of the above female paratype suggests this difference is actually highly variable.

Seasonality/Habitat. Known from the type series collected in May.

Distribution. Known from the type locality in a forested area near Mont Wago, Blukwa, Djugu in the Ituri area of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Notes. Lechanteur (1959) lists the host as “Lycoperdons”. The holotype male was not located during this study. The type depository for the holotype, allotype and three paratypes was listed as “la collection de Pauteur” by Lechanteur (1959) in the original description.


Published as part of Cline, Andrew R., 2008, Revision of the sap beetle genus Pocadius Erichson, 1843 (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Nitidulinae, pp. 1-120 in Zootaxa 1799 (1) on pages 88-89, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.1799.1.1,


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Pocadius monticola Lechanteur, 1959 sec. Cline, 2008


  • Lechanteur, F. (1959) Description d'une espece nouvelle de Pocadius du Congo belge (Coleoptera Nitidulidae). Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines, 59, 50 - 52.