Published July 23, 2021 | Version camera ready
Conference paper Open

An Auction and Witness Enhanced Trustworthy SLA Model forDecentralized Cloud Marketplaces

  • 1. University of Amsterdam
  • 2. National University of Defense Technology


Cloud computing has become one of the most important technolo-gies that have changed the traditional application developmentand operation (DevOps) lifecycle. However, current cloud softwareDevOps often faces the following key challenges: 1) selecting thebest fitting service providers, customizing services and planningcapacities for large-scale distributed applications; 2) guarantee-ing high-quality and trustworthy service level agreements (SLAs)among multiple service providers; 3) enhancing the interoperabilityof cloud services across providers; 4) designing incentive modeleffectively among players. In this study, a framework called AWE-SOME is proposed to build a decentralized cloud marketplace andto address the above challenges. The proposed framework containsfour subsystems including a customizable auction model, an incen-tive witness mechanism, and a social behavior-based simulator asone automated framework. We also provide a proof of concept todemonstrate that the AWESOME framework is feasible.


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