Published January 18, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Meranoplus pulcher , Sharaf 2014


Meranoplus pulcher Sharaf, 2014

Meranoplus pulcher Sharaf, 2014: 4, figa. 1 11 (w.), Holotype worker, KSA, Shada Al Ala, 19 ◦ 51.0660 N, 41 ◦ 18.0370 E, 1,325 m, 23.iv.2014, PT, (Al Dhafer et al.), [KSMA], Afrotropic, [examined].

Diagnosis. Meranoplus pulcher is diagnosed by the following characters: anterior clypeal margin strongly concave with one pair of well-developed blunt teeth; clypeal surface distinctly sculptured, with 3 pairs of longitudinal rugae; the inner bulge of the eye extends well into the scrobal cavity, and, in full-face view, the scrobe is broadly visible; cephalic surface to posterior level of eyes with relatively dense, longitudinally continuous rugae (about 20 rugae); cephalic surface between rugae unsculptured; anterior face of the petiolar node finely superficially punctate; posterior face of the petiolar node distinctly longitudinally rugulose; color uniform yellow.

Worker. Measurements. ATL0.97 1.15;ATW1.02 1.22;CDD0.12 0.15;CW0.22

0.30;EL 0.17 0.22;EW0.12 0.15;HL0.77 0.87;HLA0.25 0.30;HW0.67 0.82;PML0.40 0.52;PPH0.25 0.35;PPL0.15 0.22;PTH0.30 0.42;PTL0.12 0.20;PWA0.62 0.75;PWP0.37 0.47;SL0.47 0.62;SPL0.17 0.22;TL3.20 3.70;WL0.75 0.87. Indices. CI [87 94];CS0.72 0.84;EYE38 47;OMI63-80;PMI144 155;PPI60-80;PTI40-54;PWI82 96;SEI28 43;SI67 83 (n = 6).

Worker (Figs. 6A 6C). Head. Head slightly longer than broad with convex sides and straight posterior margin; anterior clypeal margin strongly concave with one pair of long and acute teeth; the inner bulge of the eye extends well into the scrobal cavity, and, in full-face view, the scrobe is broadly visible; mandibles armed with four teeth; eyes relatively large (EYE 38 47) with 12 ommatidia in the longest row; scapes when laid back from their insertions just reach posterior margin of eyes; scrobal carinae welldeveloped. Mesosoma. Anterior pronotal corners armed with a pair of short triangular teeth; promesonotal shield distinctly broader than long (PMI 144 155) widening behind pronotum; promesonotal suture absent; posterior corners of mesonotum armed with a pair of sharp spines; posterior mesonotal margin between spines strongly concave and without secondary armament; propodeal spines long and sharp originating at level of propodeal spiracles and curved upwards; propodeal lobes well-developed. Petiole. Cuneate in profile, sessile, with a broad anterior margin and a narrow acute dorsum; petiolar and postpetiolar anteroventral processes present. Postpetiole. Nodiform, higher than long in profile. Sculpture. Mandibles longitudinally striated; cephalic dorsum densely and finely longitudinally regularly rugulose, with about 20 rugae; cephalic surface between rugae unsculptured; posterior margin areolate-rugose or with numerous cross-meshes; promesonotal shield, anterior face of petiolar node finely superficially punctate, sides transversally rugulose; posterior face of petiolar node distinctly longitudinally rugulose (more than 10 rugae); postpetiolar node reticulate-rugulose; first gastral tergite finely and densely shagreened. Pilosity. Whole body surface covered with fine, pale, profuse hairs.

Color. Uniform yellow, in some specimens, postpetiole and posterior margin of first gastral tergite brown.

Queen (Figs. 7A 7C).

Measurements.ATL2.05;ATW1.55;CDD0.12;CW0.37;EL0.30;EW0.17;HL0.95; HLA0.25;HW1.07;PML1.37;PPH0.42;PPL0.35;PTH0.50;PTL0.32;PWA1.15;SL0.70; SPL0.25;TL5.5;WL1.55. Indices. CI113;CS1.01;OMI120;PMI84;PPI83;PTI64;SEI43;SI65 (n = 1).

Head. Head distinctly broader than long with straight posterior margin in full-face view; eyes large (EL 0. 28× HW); scapes short (SI 65) when laid back from their insertions just reach posterior level of eye midlength; antennal scrobes deep; anterior clypeal margin distinctly concave with prominent pair of blunt denticles. Mesosoma. Propodeal spines well-developed and sharply pointed. Petiole. Sessile, cuneate in profile, 1. 5× higher than long in profile. Postpetiole. Postpetiole 1. 2× higher than long in profile; petiole and postpetiole each without ventral processes. Sculpture. Cephalic surface longitudinally regularly rugulose, with interspaces between rugulae densely punctate and dull; clypeus smooth; mandibles longitudinally rugulose; three distinct oblique rugae at the middle of antennal scrobes; pronotum punctate and dull; mesosomal dorsum faintly but distinctly longitudinally rugulose; mesopleura smooth and shining; propodeal dorsum and sides transversally rugulose; anterior face of petiole unsculptured; posterior and lateral faces of petiole, entire postpetiole, and gaster densely punctate and dull. Pilosity. Cephalic pilosity profuse and relatively long; anterior clypeal margin and mandibles with dense long hairs; mesosomal dorsum with profuse hairs; anterior face of petiole without hairs; petiole and postpetiole dorsum with dense hairs. Color. Uniformly yellow.

Habitat. Meranoplus pulcher was collected near Acacia trees in the southwestern mountains of the KSA where soil is typically dry in an area with abundant grasses and shrubs. Material examined.

Saudi Arabia: Asir Province, Raydah: 18 ◦ 11.7490 N, 42 ◦ 23.3450 E, 1614 m, 26.viii.2014, 1 paratype w., unique specimen identifier CASENT0914336, in CASC; 18 ◦ 11.7490 N, 42 ◦ 23.3450 E, 1614 m, 28.iv.2014, 1 w; 18 ◦ 11.6180 N, 42 ◦ 23.4200 E, 1772 m, 26.viii.2014, 4 w; Al Baha Province, Shada Al Ala: 19 ◦ 50.5750 N, 41 ◦ 18.6910 E, 1666 m, 23.viii.2014, 3 w; 19 ◦ 50.4110 N, 41 ◦ 18.6860 E, 1611 m, 23.viii.2014, 9 w; 19 ◦ 50.3290 N, 41 ◦ 18.6040 E, 1563 m, 23.vii.2014, 3 w, 1 q (CASENT 0922279); 19 ◦ 50.7100 N, 41 ◦ 18.2670 E, 1474 m, 23.viii.2014, 5 w; 19 ◦ 51.0660 N, 41 ◦ 18.0370 E, 1,325 m, 23.viii.2014, 5 w, all previous material are collected by Al Dhafer et al. by using PT and deposited in KSMA.


Published as part of Sharaf, Mostafa R. & Aldawood, Abdulrahman S., 2019, Review of the ant genus Meranoplus Smith, 1853 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Arabian Peninsula with description of a new species M. mosalahi sp. n. from Oman, pp. 1-20 in PeerJ 7 on pages 11-15, DOI: 10.7717/peerj.6287,


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Collection code
Event date
2014-04-23 , 2014-04-28 , 2014-07-23 , 2014-08-23 , 2014-08-26
Material sample ID
CASENT 0922279 , CASENT0914336
Scientific name authorship
, Sharaf
Taxon rank
Type status
Verbatim event date
2014-04-23 , 2014-04-28/08-26 , 2014-07-23 , 2014-08-23 , 2014-08-26
Taxonomic concept label
Meranoplus pulcher , 2014 sec. Sharaf & Aldawood, 2019


  • Sharaf MR, Al Dhafer HM, Aldawood AS. 2014. First record of the myrmicine