Parapropus neumanni Muller, J. Lakota 1911
- 1. Gen. Miloša Vesela 5304 / 1, SK- 034 01 Ružomberok, Slovakia. E-mail: jan. lakota @ stonline. sk
- 2. Czech University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Department of Forest Protection and Entomology, Kamýcká 1176, CZ- 165 21 Praha 6 - Suchdol, Czech Republic. E-mail: peterclaviger @ gmail. com
- 3. Hroznová 19, SK- 902 01 Pezinok, Slovakia. E-mail: rlohaj @ gmail. com
- 4. Južná trieda 13, SK- 040 01 Košice, Slovakia. E-mail: davidceplik @ yahoo. com
Parapropus neumanni Müller, 1911: 4. Type locality: Nordbosnien, Kosir-Höhle bei Petrovac
= Reinholdina deelemanorum Giachino & Moravec, 2009: 40 new synonymy
Material studied: Reinholdina deelemanorum: Paratypes, 1♂, 1♀: white hand-written label: Jama Golubnjača, 21-7- 1968, Čaternja, leg: Deeleman / white printed label: Sammlung C.+P. Deeleman, SMNS 1987 / red printed label: „ Reinholdina deelemanorum, n. sp., P. M. Giachino & J. Moravec det. 2008“, (SMNS).
Parapropus neumanni: 2♀♀, hand-written label: Golubnjača, 21.vii.1968 / white printed labels: Čatrnja, Grmeč pl. / Bosna, Pretner / Parapropus neumanni Müller, J. Lakota det. 2008, (CJL, CDC). 1♂, the same data as for above females, but collected on 4.vii.1968, (CJL). 1♂, white printed labels: Rakovića pećina, 22.vii. 1968 / Čatrnja, Grmeč pl. / Bosna, Pretner, (CJL). 1♂, white printed label: Ciganska pećina, Čatrnja, Grmeč planina, Bosnia, 4.7.1968, leg E.Pretner (CRL). 1♂, printed label: Ledenica, Smoljana, Grmeč planina, Bosnia, 22.7.1968, leg E.Pretner (CRL).
Distribution: Parapropus neumanni is distributed in more caves on Grmeč planina, mountains in the central Dinarides, near the city Bosanski Petrovac, BiH.
The following abbrevations are used in the text:
CJL collection Jan Lakota, Ružomberok, Slovakia;
CDC collection Dávid Čeplík, Košice, Slovakia;
CRL collection Roman Lohaj, Pezinok, Slovakia (ex coll. Egon Pretner, Notranski muzej Postojna, Slovenia, donated by Slavko Polak);
SMNS Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany.
slash „ / “ is used to separate different labels
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Additional details
- Event date
- 1968-07-04 , 1968-07-21 , 1968-07-22
- Family
- Leiodidae
- Genus
- Parapropus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Muller, J. Lakota
- Species
- neumanni
- Taxon rank
- species
- Verbatim event date
- 1968-07-04 , 1968-07-21 , 1968-07-22
- Taxonomic concept label
- Parapropus neumanni Muller, 1911 sec. Lakota, Hlaváč, Lohaj & Čeplík, 2014
- Muller, G. (= Muller, J.) (1911) Neue Hohlenkafer aus dem osterreichischen Karst. Wiener entomologische Zeitung, 30 (1), 1 - 4.
- Giachino, P. M. & Moravec, J. (2009) Reinholdina deelemanorum gen. n., sp. n. from Bosnia and Herzegovina (Coleoptera: Cholevidae: Leptodirinae). Studies and reports of District Museum Prague-East, Taxonomical Series, 5 (1 - 2), 37 - 42.