Published May 25, 2020 | Version v3
Dataset Open

Results for 'Health and sustainability of glaciers in High Mountain Asia'

  • 1. Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
  • 2. VAW, ETH Zurich


Summary table updated relative to prior version to provide more useful outputs and units according to the description below.

Contains 1 .csv file including the glacier health metrics used in Miles and others (2021) for all RGI glacier outlines larger than 2km2 in High Mountain Asia (regions 13/14/15). The following attributes are provided in the table:

  • RGIID: unique identifier from the RGI6.0
  • VALID: flag to indicate if the data quality of the inputs and results was acceptable (see study Supplementary Material)
  • CenLat: Latitude of glacier outline centroid from the RGI6.0
  • CenLon: Longitude of glacier outline centroid from the RGI6.0
  • meanSMB: Glacier mean mass balance (m w.e./year) derived by this study
  • ELA: Equilibrium Line Altitude (m a.s.l.) estimated by this study
  • ELAsig: Uncertainty of ELA based on 1000 Monte Carlo simulations using the derived surface mass balance uncertainty
  • AAR: Accumulation Area Ration (unitless) estimated by this study
  • AARsig: Uncertainty of AAR as for ELA
  • totAbl: Volume of annual ablation, glacier-wide (m3/year)
  • totAblsig: Uncertainty of total ablation, glacier-wide (m3/year)
  • balAbl: Volume of 'balance' annual ablation, ie that compensated by net annual accumulation, glacier-wide (m3/year)
  • balAblsig: Uncertainty of 'balanced' ablation, glacier-wide (m3/year)
  • imbalAbl: Volume of 'imbalance' annual ablation, glacier-wide (m3/year)
  • imbalAblsig: Uncertainty of imbalance ablation, glacier-wide (m3/year)
  • balAblPct: Portion of annual ablation balanced by accumulation (unitless)
  • balAblPctsig: Uncertainty of balance portion of ablation (unitless)
  • Vol2100: Simulated glacier volume in the year 2100 under repeated application of current mass balace (m3)
  • Vol2100sig: Uncertainty in Vol2100 based on current mass balance uncertainty (m3)
  • PctVol2100: Simulated volume at 2100 expressed as a fraction of volume at 2000 (unitless)
  • PctVol2100sig: Uncertainty in PctVol2100 based on current mass balance uncertainty (unitless)

Also contains 1 .zip file with principal regridded inputs and results for continuity-derived glacier specific mass balances of High Mountain Asia, 2000-2016. A subdirectory contains the following for each glacier, identified by its Randolph Glacier Inventory identification number (RGIID), all in geotiff format and at the same resolution:

  • '*_AW3D.tif': regridded digital elevation model based on the ASTER GDEM3 (apologies for misleading name)
  • '*_debris.tif': binary rasterized debris-cover map based on the results of Scherler et al (2018)
  • '*_dH.tif': regridded elevation change rate from Brun et al (2017), in m per year
  • '*_dHe.tif': regridded elevation change rate uncertainty from Brun et al (2017), in m per year
  • '*_FDIV.tif': raster of flux divergence, in m per year
  • '*_FDIVe.tif': raster of flux divergence uncertainty, in m per year
  • '*_Hdensity.tif': raster of estimated density of dH signal, in 1000 kg per m3
  • '*_SMB.tif': raster of specific mass balance, in m w.e. per year
  • '*_SMBe.tif': raster of specific mass balance uncertainty, in m w.e. per year
  • '*_Smean.tif': raster of column-average surface speed based on regridded data from ITS_LIVE (Gardner et al, 2019), in m per year
  • '*_THX.tif': raster of glacier thickness from consensus estimate of Farinotti et al (2019), in m 
  • '*_zFDIV.tif': raster of zonally-aggregated flux divergence, in m per year
  • '*_zFDIVe.tif': raster of zonally-aggregated flux divergence uncertainty, in m per year
  • '*_zones.tif': raster of elevation-based zonal segmentation for each glacier
  • '*_zSMB.tif': raster of zonally-aggregated specific mass balance, in m w.e. per year
  • '*_zSMBe.tif': raster of zonally-aggregated specific mass balance uncertainty, in m w.e. per year


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RAVEN – Rapid mass loss of debris covered glaciers in High Mountain Asia 772751
European Commission


  • Scherler, Dirk; Wulf, Hendrik; Gorelick, Noel (2018): Supraglacial Debris Cover. V. 1.0. GFZ Data Services.
  • Brun, Fanny; Berthier, Etienne; Wagnon, Patrick; Kääb, Andreas; Treichler, Désirée (2017): Elevation changes of High Mountain Asia from 2000 to 2016, links to GeoTIFFs. PANGAEA,
  • Gardner, A. S., M. A. Fahnestock, and T. A. Scambos, 2019: ITS_LIVE Regional Glacier and Ice Sheet Surface Velocities. Data archived at National Snow and Ice Data Center; doi:10.5067/6II6VW8LLWJ7.
  • Farinotti, D., Huss, M., Fürst, J. J., Landmann, J., Machguth, H., Maussion, F., & Pandit, A. (2019). A consensus estimate for the ice thickness distribution of all glaciers on Earth. Nature Geoscience, 12(March), 1.